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Owing Myself ~ Using DEBT to get some FLOW

"I wanted to change it into feeling fun, and I've now found a way to trick myself into that feeling!!"
"On the 4th day I actually headed down to the storage room! AND I did it with genuine EASE ..."
Lately I've been noticing that some of the "bigger" things I'd like to get done, doesn't really get done, while time passes... (lot of time). For example, I've moved and it was over a year a go, and I'd love to get all the boxes unpacked and getting some order in the storage in the basement so I know where what is - and throw away things I don't like and/or don't use.
For some reason, the everyday life is filling up my days and obviously I've been thinking about it as a "big task" that also might be kinda boring. I have also been pondering how nice it is to clean out and clear the things I never use, to get the storage managable. And right then and there it feels good to do it, and I tell myself to do it the next time I've got some spare time and energy. Which seems to never come around :)
Thing is, there are some other things I'd like to get done, and they feel kinda equally "big and bulky tasks" - and I kinda want to get it ALL done and so I get none of it done :) so well... I wanted to change it into feeling fun, and I've now found a way to trick myself into that feeling!!
I wanted to change it into feeling fun, and I've now found a way to trick myself into that feeling!!
A few days ago I stumbled across a great idea though. It was not to try to solve the managing of the storage actually, but it was the thing that got me started. In a fun way.
There is a process that can be used to get you "debt free" money wise. The thing is - debt can be more than money... the storage clearing and such actually feels like a "debt" to myself. I have neglected doing something that I have, in a way, promised myself. So I OWE it to myself. Never thought of it like that before, but now I got the idea to do the same process but instead of mortages and such I added things I want to do daily to keep myself feeling good and to clear my space for new things and opportunities to flow in...
The "process to become debt free" states that you use a sheet of paper making columns. On the right hand side you state the "biggest debt" and to the left the smallest. You make a commitment to yourself to pay off what you can, and even if you might not have the resourses to pay off every column each month - you sometimes pay off double on the smallest post. The process states that this makes the "paying off" more fun, more like a game and it gets you feeling lighter about it - which in turn will move your energies so more money flow into your life.
I found that I could use this column process with the things I wanted to get done each day - putting "organize the storage room" on the right hand side, and to the left hand side I put things like "do some exercise daily", "drink 1 liter of water daily", "get outside and breath deeply", "enjoy something" and things that I "owe" myself and that is not such a hard task for me at this point. I wanted to be able to check off several things each day easily, to make me feel I was doing well and did good things for myself (which I do, but this made it more real).
So, I made a commitment to "use my resources", that is, do what is possible to do each day. Some days I might not check off more than one thing, but I might do it "double". And I started this experiment. I got several check marks the first day and it felt fun and easy to get those checked off :)
On the 4th day I actually headed down to the storage room! AND I did it with genuine EASE ...
On the 4th day I had actually even headed down to the storage room! AND I did it with genuine EASE and with clarity and feeling good and I felt I had time for it. Another thing I had noticed so far was that somehow my day felt less compressed. Only by recognizing that I was using the resources I had and showing myself how much I did for my wellbeing already.