Oh My, one of my absolute favorite breakfasts ever!! And it's RAW. And VERY EASY to prepare. Note that it has to sit, preferably overnight, so I'm making a few portions in one go each time. I'm using some delicious spices in this recipe but feel free to skip them if you want it neutral!! When ready you can eat it as it is, or top it with whatever you desire! Found this recipe some time ago, I think it was from Vegetarian Times (?), and I think I've kept it pretty much as that one ever since. It's kinda like "oatmeal" in the sense that it's filling, made with oats and easy to make, although now I actually prefer this one since it is also somewhat chewable... not needed but adds the option to chew... lol :)))
Alright, lets get to the recipe!
Raw Oatmeal With Steel Cut Oats ~ 3 servings
1 cup (about 2.5 dl) Steel-Cut Oats
2.5 tablespoons Chia Seeds
1 cup Mylk/Milk of your desire (I've tried Mylks of Cashew, Almond, Coconut. If using cows milk I'd not make a larger amount, but instead an amount for one day at a time.)
2 tablespoons shredded coconut (sometimes I do with and sometimes without)
1 tablespoon Honey (optional, and skip it if your mylk is sweetened)
Pinch of Salt
Spices (optional) - cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, vanilla

Let's get started -
I'm making the nut milk freshly with nuts or nutbutter and water. Using about 1-2 tablespoons nut butter with 1 cup of water, blending it in a mixer/food processor. When making this recipe I'm adding the honey to the blend with the milk before pouring it over the other ingredients. So when done with the milk, or if you have ready made: Uning an air-tight container or a glass jar with a lid - stir all ingredients together with a spoon, including whatever of the optional seasoning desired. Then pour the mylk/milk on top, and stir again. Then put the lid on and let it rest in the refrigerator at least overnight (or until the Oats are soft enough to chew). The chia seeds make it stick together some, so if you fancy it sticking together more you can add more of those :))) The added mylk/milk will have been soaked up by the time its ready.
This recipe makes 3 servings, and you can store it in the fridge for those days if wanting breakfast for 3 days in a row. Top it with whatever you desire like fresh fruits, seeds, nuts ~ and adding maybe some mylk/milk, yogurt or such. I like eating it with sliced fresh banana only, but I'm varying it with other toppings too ~ today as you can see in the photo, I topped with pine nuts, goji berries, pumpkin seeds, cashews, banana and kiwi!
This breakfast fills me up in a great way, very satisfying and I really love the addition of the spices in this one :)))
Now, if feeling inspired, try this out and check out the other yummy recipes on here like for example
Raw Cheesecake,
Raw Choco Chip Cookies,
Raw Fruit Loops/Leather,
Raw Pasta Alfredo,
Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding ,
Quick&Easy Walnut Mince - A Substitute for Minced Meat and more...,
Delicious RAW Brownie ~ ENJOY!!!
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