My Source, the effectiveness of these challenges are of immense proportions. And it's sooo much fun to get to know how this Universe operates, and based on that real-time-experience KNOW how to mold reality. Somewhere at the end of every challenge I get insights on how to proceed from there, and it's an adventure to apply it and feel it..and then, as a direct consequence - GET IT :))) I'm especially excited about the new combo-exercise I came up with recently after being inspired to act in certain ways on a few subjects and got FAST results on ALL of them... If you're new to this, please feel free to exchange these exercises, if feels too advanced - and come back to it whenever feeling inspired. Click
HERE if you're NEW to this, and wanting an alternative beginner-challenge!!! :)))
Sweet Life :)))
"I'm sharing this from my own experiments, experiences and insights ~ which I then condens to exercises and before I share them I know why and how they work. And I'm applying it daily for a period of time, and sharing this with you for your inspiration. Individual Coaching is available, and these challenges are mostly a way of making coaching available for anyone, no matter economy. This is also why most participators are choosing to donate some money. Some regularly, some spontaneously ~ the amount is not important, the positive feedback is clear either way."

Beginning November 9th! Or whenever you fancy enjoying it :)))
1. Evening Exercise [Before going to sleep] Count your Blessings Of The Day That Passed, and make a list in your mind about the most wonderful things happened. It can be ANY small thing that gave you delight :)
2. Morning Exercise [First-Thing in the morning] Appreciate whatever comes to mind, and what is ahead during this day/week/month. Stay with this for minimum 1-2 minutes.
3. During-The-Day Exercise [written in two parts] The new Combo-Exercise This exercise consists of two parts, and will optimize your allowing regarding the subject at hand. Every time you desire something, there is a "less preferred" alternative, which can be the current circumstance, or just an alternative that is less wanted than the preferred. This happens EACH time you feel that you want something. The purpose of this exercise is to "make peace" with the less preferred, to make way for the preferred or new. So lets say you want a new car? You might notice that you're justifying why you want a new one, and maybe you start pointing out all the things you do NOT like - all of which the new one you want would "solve". Alright. So THIS would slow the process down. And now I'll demonstrate how to make this all feeling lighter. Let's give the example of the desire of a new car, and that you have one already that is not the best in this world. Part A: FIRST (written) state the WHAT and the WHY including the feeling place of the preferred (in this case the new car that you desire). When this part feels GOOD, and you've stated the feeling place of WHAT and WHY - then proceed to Part B: where you take the current or alternative situation (in this case The Current Car, that is yours) - and state the POSITIVE ASPECTS of this "current/less preferred"
... and this too shall take you to a place of feeling GOOD about this current situation/less preferred, so please feel free to go as general as you need to - to feel GOOD about it. When done with both Part A and B, leaving you feeling good, and maybe even gotten to a place where you feel like you'd be as happy with that current/less preferred as the preferred. Then HIGH-10, done, now do something else that you want or need to, continuing your day :)))
NOTE: I'm sharing this from my own experiments, experiences and insights ~ which I then condens to exercises and before I share them I know why and how they work. And I'm applying it daily for a period of time, and sharing this with you for your inspiration. Individual Coaching is available, and these challenges are mostly a way of making coaching available for anyone, no matter economy. This is also why most participators are choosing to donate some money. Some regularly, some spontaneously ~ the amount is not important, the positive feedback is clear either way. Feel Free to do it the way you're most inspired to!!! (Paypal charges a percentage for the transfer, but it will be charged of the money donated and not on top) So I'd like to give lots of
THANKS ~ to everyone who has participated already and everyone who will participate!! I really LOVE the feedback I get from YOU when sharing my experiences and insights and the exercises that I'm currently doing ~ feedback in all forms like: enjoying the challenge, spreading the word, sharing it in social media, writing comments, giving donations (clicking the donation-button on the left hand side column), writing blogs about it, linking to my blog... and so on!!!
Lotsa LOVE to ALL of YOU :))) I'm feeling the appreciation flowing!!!
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