"..true celebration cannot be according to the calendar... Life should be a continuous celebration, a festival of lights the whole year round. Only then you can grow, only then you can blossom. Transform small things into celebration" (B.R)
Yay ~ A Free Yoga Class ! {Video}
Yay! ~ finally, due to high demand, I've (amateurly) recorded a yoga sequence for y'all! It's a 25 minute sequence to Refresh Yourself. A Multi Purpose Sequence! It can be used as a morning yoga, pre-work yoga, yoga-break yoga, an afternoon yoga, a pre-decision-making yoga, clear-overwhelment yoga...and so on. Anytime you want to feel calm & together, yet clear minded for "important decisions" or similar - this is an excellent sequence for you.
The sequences includes some optional variations, which can be used for longer holds ~ in that case, just pause the video and savor some more time in those poses!
Most people have been asking for short sequences to do when feeling overwhelmed, shattered, tired, mind-fuzzy or to "be-at-their-best" at work and at home ~ so here you go!
NOTE First Low-Lunge is with the Right foot forward - to make sense of the rest of the cues.
Other yoga videos, click on the links below:
Meditation Seat Instruction ~ A Comfy Meditation Seat
108-Yum For Anger Management or Mediation Practice
Yoga Demo, Part VI ~ Tittibasana Sequence
Yoga Demo, Part V ~ Inversion Backbend
Yoga Demo, Part IV ~ Tripod to Bakasana to Jump-Back
Yoga Demo, Part III ~ Headstand with Legs in Lotus Pose
Yoga Demo, Part II ~ Mastering Drop Backs
Yoga Demo, Part I ~ Forearm Stand Press-Up
Easy-Made & Yummy Cherry-Nectarine Cobbler (Raw)
Summer is such a wonderful time! And food-wise, there's usually a lot of fresh tasty fruits and veggies in the stores, ripe and ready to eat. Got a few boxes of fresh cherries the other day and felt inspired to do something extraordinary with them, and it reminded me of someone doing a cherry cobbler with fresh cherries when there was none to be found where I'm at. But, NOW, I've got loads of fresh lovely cherries, so why not go ahead. I chose to add in some nectarine too.. yum!
Cherry Nectarine Cobbler (serves 2 or more, pretty large portions)
2 nectaries, pitted and cut
fresh pitted cherries (approx 500gr unpitted)
16 fresh pitted dates
1dl almonds
a few pinches of cardamom
a pinch or two of salt
ginger-cookie-spicemix (optional)
fresh myntha leaves (optional)
Starting with the "crust", I blended dates with almonds (in a blender) and added salt and cardamom (and some ginger-cookie-spice-mix). When ready I put approx half of it divided in two bowls (the rest of the crust is used later on), and added some freshly cut nectarine and some pitted fresh cherries on top.
Then making the sauce, blending some cherries and some nectarine with approx half of the remaining crust to a somewhat thick sauce... pouring it over the fresh fruit.
Topping this sauce with the remaining crust and the rest of the fruit... and I added a few small fresh myntha-leaves too...
Simple as that, ENJOY!!!
Making A Good Point {Includes Video}
There is something about kids that most adults have forgotten in daily life, and it's the playfulness in the moment. The openness of possibilities. The genuine fascination and curiosity of the "simplest of things". A kid gets a playset, puts it together and one of the adults say "so, what's the point of it?"... while the kid is checking out every nook and cranny, trying it out in all different ways.. LOL.. The point is what you make out of it, and it counts for everything we live and experience :))) Kids are excellent at making a good point of things !! We all have the potential to be excellent at it :)))
Gayatri Mantra {Video}
One of my favorite mantras. And Douglas Brooks (http://rajanaka.com) has translated the sanskrit words exceptionally beautiful! I've included that translation at the end of this video.
Yoga Demo Part VI {Video} ~ Tittibasana Sequence
A few months ago I took up where I left off in the Ashtanga Yoga Series. It had been quite a while (years) since I had done the sequences, and last time I did it I was about half way through the "second series". Now I've been trying out the whole second series, which is a wonderful set.
I'm practicing yoga everyday, and now enjoying the Ashtanga practice a couple of days a week. There are many things about it that I really love, and I'm especially in-love with the second series. This short sequence is one small part from the second series. I'm being asked over and over to share more of my personal practice, so this is some of it :))) Enjoy!
Yoga Demo {Video} Part V ~ Inversion Backbend
Lately I've been doing more Inversions than ever... I think.. I'm in love with these upside-down poses and a great combo is to make it a heart-opening pose ... so here is a demo of one of my absolute favorites at this moment, combining a backbend and an inversion, yay!! It's a work in process as always :)))
What's your favorite pose at this moment?
Loving Molding The "False Alarm" ~ Take That "Facts" !!!
At first I thought the Universe was tricking me, or well having fun with me... And at times it was hard for me to get to that "amused" place.. :))) But then I realized it's actually ME all along. I am the creator of the situation... or how can I say - I am the PERCEIVER of what I'm currently experiencing as well as influencing the parts of the situation to fall in a certain way... Uhm..let's see...let's begin from the beginning.
I mean that there is something about what I experience that is my own creation, and when I encounter something that triggers me because of the unwanted-ness of it, it sucks, and it seems like a joke when it turns around into "false alarm" as soon as I made peace with it... Like if the Universe was "testing me" with harder and harder things...like the most important things I know to prefer in life...
Some things we experience push our buttons more, right? And when that happen we tend to get more upset than other times. It's a trigger. Because we see it as important for one reason or another. The reason might be ridiculous but it doesn't matter, it IS important to us and I love that I can decide what's important to me and not. That's a lovely thing about being alive, to prefer this and that... So well, when something is one of those IMPORTANT ones, that I prefer - and that one goes "the other way", it sucks more. And I've found that to be a GOOD thing. Especially when knowing how the Universe works. And what happens when you know how the Universe works AND something that SUCKS happens, is that you tend to get very eager about FEELING GOOD about it "regardless"... and what happens next is usually that things turn around in a way that the first very "clear" evidence of something...turns out to be false alarm. And it's so WELL done that you couldn't even SUSPECT that it could have been false alarm in the first place. It seems like written in stone, and that was it. So something important went "wrong" and you just have to try feel good either way. And it tends to be harder to feel good when it's something important, lol. However, the funny thing is. As soon as you feel better - something about the situation (I've found) TURNS and molds into "false alarm". It's so cool, and it has happened to me quite a few times since I started to experiment with understanding the "laws of this Universe"... and at first I thought that the Universe was playful with me, although I have to admit it felt kind of cruel at times... Anyhow, it was the BEST trigger for me to "learn how to manage feeling good NO-MATTER-WHAT"... cause it was really "NO MATTER WHAT" when stuff like "THAT" had come up. But lately I've started to understand that it can be seen another way, I got the insight that it's actually not a game played with me by the Universe or God or whoever you'd want it to be.. I've understood that it's actually ME making it happen. First I make the "unwanted" happen because I ponder it in a way that makes it active and I'm not aware enough to notice the momentum of it, and BAM, there it is. And SINCE the characteristics of the situation is HUGELY important, I notice it a lot, and it triggers me to FOCUS in a strong way to "make myself feel better" regardless, I make peace with it to the degree I'm able to in the moment. And I've trained myself to be quite good at finding a GREAT feeling - or at least relief. And so, as I find relief (or a better feeling still)...something actually happens TO the situation as well as to my own perception of it - people and events actually "change". I mean, someone in the situation might notice he/she had made a wrong diagnosis or missed something crucial etc - which makes the situation turn around on a dime. It's so freakin interesting to experience these shifts!!! And notice that MY own effort to "feel good no matter what" MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE. As soon as I make peace fully with it, fully fully (which is quite hard to do at first if you believe like most people, but willingly it's fully possible to master!)...then well, things actually turn in an "unexpected" direction which can be (as odd as it seems in that current moment)revealed as "False Alarm". It's astounding how things can turn around with such small info-adding... a misunderstanding of a tiny detail which is revealed and BAM... there you have it ~ your "unwanted" turned into something not only beneficial but BETTER than before. As well as you noticed how you managed to feel good "regardless", which is amazingly empowering :))) So TAKE THAT "Facts" !!! :))) And, High-10 Universe!!!
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