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{Love Made} Inspiration Book

At times I'm needing a crutch to lean on. A reminder.

During the first period (see "Go Happy Mind Go" May 2010) I read in my Inspiration Book daily (at least). It gave me hope and was self-empowering. Giving me a push to continue.

I still read in it from time to time, but now the sight of it usually reminds me enough. And writing in it reminds me aswell. I treasure my collection. I also love the process of finding new ones to write.

In this precious book of inspiration, of tresures, only self empowering reminders are welcome. Quotes that make me feel Free, that make me Smile From Deep Inside, that make me Radiate With Love, that give me Strength and Hope. That make me want to bliss-out in Song and Dance. All of them tell me something that uplifts me, or the HowTo uplift or make it easy on myself. Or just something I'd love to think automatically.
Its acctually a "How I Can Love Myself More"-book...

Reading them over and over makes me beleive in them. That's the yummy part. To start to believe in those wounderful life affirming, life celebrating, freedom giving, energy releasing, soothing, empowering thoughts. Knowing that they now are true for me.

Here's a hint of what's inside...

"I love and approve of myself exacly as I am right now" (from Louise Hay)

"Be the Queen/King in your own conciousness" (from Rajanaka Tantra Philosophy)

"I can Be, Do and Have Anything I want" (from Abraham's teachings)

"What is perfect for me will always unfold, and meanwhile, I'm thankful for this and I'm eager for the path that will unfold" (from Abraham's teachings)

"Wisdom is Avoiding All Thoughts That Weaken You" (from 10 secrets to success and inner peace)

no matter where I'm going, no matter what I'm doing, no matter who I'm with - my dominant intent is to see that which I'm wanting to see" (from Abrahams teachings)

"Be what you are and say what you feel, because those who will mind don't matter and those who matter doesn't mind." Dr. Seuss

"Just a little alertness...
to devote oneself to creativity, to love, to sensitivity, and to make this small life just a series of songs — that you dance in your life and that your death will be your crescendo of dance; that you live totally and you die totally, with no complaint...with gratitude, with thankfulness to existence."
(from No-Thought for the Day, 10th of June 2010, OSHO)

How about that for breakfast?



Diversity Celebration

Something I often used before as an excuse to complain and feel bad (= not being a Loving Version of me) was Others. Their ways, their decisions, their attitudes, their choices.

What's interesting now is how that very same thing makes me bow in reverence of the choices I have - and we all have.
Not only that I now completely love the diversity of choices of lifestyle, food, stuff, transportation etc. I'm filled with infinite apprechiation for the fact that we are not all the same. We are different. That's Rich! And worth celebrating!

Like the diversity of Nature and its variety of Beings, everyone of us is Unique. We have our own preferences and specific talents. We are All so very Special!
So the actions, choices and preferences of Others that we feel are the most inappropriate or appropriate, are the same ones we can use for more clarity when shaping our own life.

I praise the diversity in cultures, in actions, in behaviours, in looks, in interests, in books, in music, in climates, in shoes, in hairstyles, in hobbies, in treatments for illness... Oh, I could go on and on... Not to mention that new things add themselves to the selection every moment.

I adore that it's about deciding what You want to pick out for your Unique self. And I love the feeling of letting others pick and choose aswell. We are all beautifully Unique. There will be no "real" shortage.

I bow in Reverence to the Abundance of the Universe, to our uniqueness and feel deep inside that All is actually more than Well!

Love and Light,

Ps. Feel free to check out complementary Posts like Playfulness, Lovingkindness and Go Happy Mind Go


{Love Made} Organic Apple Chutney with Roasted Almonds

[all Organic for Taste, yum!]

2 Apples
2 Onions, small ones
2 Bay leaves
Mint leaves (about 2-3)
Umeboshi Vinegar
Apple cider Vinegar
1 tasty dried apricot (chopped in tiny pieces)
1 tsp olive oil

8 sultanas
Pepper & Herbal Salt to taste
approx 12 Roasted Almonds (crush them before adding them)

Chop the onions and let them fry in olive oil, then add chopped apples, herbs, apricot, vinegars and water (I didn't mesure, but vinegars and water together could have been less than 1/2 dl?).
Stir with Love at low heat and when the apples start to get softer...add sultanas, herbal salt and pepper to taste. Take the pan off the heat and add the crushed roasted almonds.

This Chutney variation was delicious together with some SourCream and coconut sprinkled on top... I enjoyed it as a part of a simple Quinoa Sallad (Red Quinoa, Cucumber, Tomato, Olive Oil, Herbal Salt and some Brie - all Organic for taste)... yum!

Lots of Love,

Sun Celebration

Today my son had an appointment and I was sure it was at 14 so we came two hours early. First I got somewhat bothered (old habit), but then I remembered my intent and quickly decided to do the absolutly best of it.

Only a few blocks a way I found a beautiful spot in the grass under a smaller tree. It gave just enough shade to place my son there, aswell as just enough sunlight shining trough for a comfy tempered yoga session.

As if I had pressed Play, my son fell asleep so I could do my practice. It was a gourgeous feeling to have the sun right in front so I opened my heart to it in a series of backbends. Then ended with some quieting poses, for that lingering serene post-yoga feeling. Quickly checked on my son, who was still asleep (yay!) and took some time to enjoy meditation.

The "mistake" I made by leaving more that two hours earlier than needed made this day a gourgeous one. An opportunity for celebration.

Back home I had some apples and in this (still) inspired state...decided to do a Chutney variation... which turned out delicious.. yum..! It'll be the next post!

Love and Light,