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Day 37 of Theme Playfulness

Day 37 Theme Playfulness: Already Day THIRTY SEVEN!!!! I've played for 37 days, and all is still well ;) LOL .. Actually better than ever before... Mind more blissful, body works perfectly, things line up.. big smiles come my way, people being funny round me, relaxed, kids spontaneously start playin'... my mind is very clear and receptive, learning fast and I'm sharper than ever before... grasping concepts - the bigger picture - very easily.. at the same time I know that it is just ONE of the ways you can see/experience this ;) is richer and I love eating whatever I'm inspired to, just the love of enjoying it.. my body feels very comfy and happy.. a classmate said the other week... "oh, I saw you on my way to school today, couldnt miss you - The skip in your walk" ... I'm usually skippin alil actually..sometimes kinda doing a lil dance as I go.. LOL... Enjoying my good-feeling-physical-being VERY MUCH! I enjoyed alot being me before also, and it has increased since I started studying Abe... and after discovering how very "effective" Playfulness is, and starting to play around with that - it increased alot in a short time... And Now, as I'm dedicated to this Theme Playfulness its becoming EVEN MORE....DEEPER and JUICY-ER... RICHER...FULLER... yum!!! Its all about DARING being FULLY playful.. and being it as often as remembering to, and on as many subjects as remembering to... And remembering is NOT hard, its actually rather easy.. especially if you create some tricks for yourself.. as I've done.. hee hee... :))) The oftener and the more subjects.. the more High-Flying and Flowing Life Tends To Be !!!! Worth remembering, huh? ;)


  1. Wow vilken bra och inspirerande och otroligt inspirerande blogg! Det låter helt underbart med en sån inställning! Någon gång ska jag bli sån jag också. Får jag bara fråga varifrån du fick idén, och om det är just 108 dagar av någon speciell anledning?

    (hittade hit via Living Abraham Hicks-gruppen på FB)

    1. healthywealthywellness: Tack för din fina kommentar - har skickat dig ett mer utförligt svar via email :)

  2. healthywealthywellness: Tack för din fina kommentar - har skickat dig ett mer utförligt svar via email :)
