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Free Music

Tracks with Deva Premal, David Newman, Desert Dwellers, Wah! and more... :))) I got some music for free, from some lovely generous yoga music record lables: White & Black Swan Records. Black Swan is remixed music, with more beat to it. And White Swan is more of the "regular" yoga music sound. I think these are avaliable for a limted time frame, so grab your digital copy now :))) Link to the music from Black Swan Records HERE. Link to the music from White Swan Records HERE. While downloading all this music, and listening to it, Feel Free to have a glips at & Enjoy some of my blogposts :))) Latest blogs from June HERE, May HERE, Instructions for the Latest Feel-Awesome Challenge HERE Have an AWESOME DAY!!! I am :))) Muah!!


Yoga Demo {Video} Part II ~ Mastering Dropbacks

An example of How-To practice towards mastering Dropbacks. That is, gracefully dropping back from a standing posture to Wheel Pose (so called Urdhva Danurasana in Yoga) and then gracefully soaring back up. Ps. To see the previous Demo, click HERE.

Yoga Demo {Video} Part I ~ Pincha Mayurasana Press-Up

As you might already know I'm practicing yoga on a daily basis cuz I really LOOOOVE it, I'm fascinated by it and I'm deepening my understanding of the physiology & anatomy behind all the positive effects of it. Here is a Demo of Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana) done as a press-up.


Are You Living Your Own "Happy Ending" ?

STORY MAKING :))) I recently came over a post about how a compelling novel is made... and it struck me that it's an excellent tool when in a situation where you wish for a "happy ending" ... then just start to play out the desired outcome of the story you're currently living. I've been enjoying this before but not until now I got a structure for it that made me even more inspired to make all kindsa situations into mini-stories that I can choose an ending to!!! In LOVE with this idea.. cuz when it seems like I'm writing a story which is compelling, I am SEEING... I'm getting more AWARE of how interesting my own life actually is. I'm seeing it in a different way and its wonderful to create my own desired endings... So the basic structure of this story-making you can find HERE. And only by going through that structure you can take ANY current or past situation and find out which is the "stasis", the "trigger", the "quest", the "surprice" etc.. of that current part of your life... and then add to it the "critical desicion", "the climax", the "reversal" and the "resolution". So it starts with an Every-Day-Situation as the "Stasis" and ends with the desired new improved "Stasis" which is the "Resolution". So you can start building the story however you like it. And since the "Surprice"-part of the story is the bulk of it, you can even choose a situation that seemingly has already just have the "last ending" (which was not desirable) as part of the challanges and such in the "Surprice" part... I'm ON it, I've made sketches for TWO situations already today, one about a certain relationship and one about finances. It felt FABULOUS. So, if inspired.. go ahead you too!!! I'm on fire with this, so excited. And since I now know that Laws Of Physics are consistent, this means that if I get to FEEL as if this desired outcome is the Next Logical Step... more or less... then something very similar to my own desired ending, will actually start to become my experience.. How can it get more exciting than this??? LOL Woooooooohoooooo!!! Soaring On Wings :))) Oh Btw; have you read my post about the Benefits Of Negative Emotion, you can find it by clicking HERE.


Day 52 of 108 ~ Gosh, The Wonderfullest Of Dreams {includes new Instructions}

My 52nd Day today ~ or something like that... counting the exact number of the day doesn't feel that important at this time :))) Almost Half Way, and Time Moves FAST when having fun.. I've come up with a YUMMY addition to the basic scheduale (click HERE) that I really like :))) I've added a "TREASURE HUNT" at the end of the day, including crowning The BEST Of Today. I'm getting great results with this addition so feel free to incorporate it in your daily "feel-awesome-scheduale" :))) So, how is it done? Before I do the Evening Intention Game (see instructions HERE) I'm doing the Treasure Hunt Game, which consists in scanning through the day that has passed and remember all the GEMS.. and savoring the GREAT FEELING filling me as I notice these wonderful things/situations/comments.. (it can be anything that I experienced that felt good, big or small thing has no relevance.. its about how it felt as it happened) Alright, so as I go through these and feel fabulous.. I then get to CROWN one of them as The BEST of Today and I write it down ~ and I Feel The Deep Appreciation Of This No.1 Thing Of this Day!!! THIS "exercise" sets a MAGNIFICENT BASIS to continue doing the Intention Game,just before sleep. AND, it gives the WONDERFULLEST OF DREAMS :))) Yum Yum Yum!!!


Zooming Favorably

When something feels very comfy or very un-comfy, why is that? Well, anytime we focus on the favorable side of something we feel good. And anytime we feel bad, it means we are focusing on the subject from a side that is NOT favorable to us. Notice that there are always different sides to look at it from, and different perspectives to filter through :)))) So, THIS is actually a KEY to feeling better or finding relief ON PURPOSE (and instant!!!). When getting Zoomed In on a subject that is plesurable (favorable in some way for us) we feel better and better the more we zoom in. And when zooming in on a subject from a side that is not pleasing, then we can get to feeling rotten as we continue zooming in closer and closer. So, the key to relief from feeling bad, rotten or uncomfy ~ that is to ZOOMING OUT from the perspective of the current subject that is unpleasing to us... and then we have two options: Number One, is to then Zoom IN on the SAME subject but from a more favorable perspective. Or if that seems complicated, then go for option Number Two, which is to get yourself ZOOMING IN on Any-Other-Subject that you alreday know will be pleasurable while doing so!!! Earlier I've covered some about Feelings, how they are an awesome tool and actual INDIVIDUAL GUIDANCE, cool stuff :))) So in that post you can read more about WHY you would want to CHOOSE to feeling GOOD over feeling bad, regardless the subject :))) Click HERE to access it, Enjoy!