"..true celebration cannot be according to the calendar... Life should be a continuous celebration, a festival of lights the whole year round. Only then you can grow, only then you can blossom. Transform small things into celebration" (B.R)
Free Music
Tracks with Deva Premal, David Newman, Desert Dwellers, Wah! and more... :)))
I got some music for free, from some lovely generous yoga music record lables: White & Black Swan Records. Black Swan is remixed music, with more beat to it. And White Swan is more of the "regular" yoga music sound. I think these are avaliable for a limted time frame, so grab your digital copy now :))) Link to the music from Black Swan Records HERE. Link to the music from White Swan Records HERE. While downloading all this music, and listening to it, Feel Free to have a glips at & Enjoy some of my blogposts :))) Latest blogs from June HERE, May HERE, Instructions for the Latest Feel-Awesome Challenge HERE Have an AWESOME DAY!!! I am :))) Muah!!
Yoga Demo {Video} Part II ~ Mastering Dropbacks
An example of How-To practice towards mastering Dropbacks. That is, gracefully dropping back from a standing posture to Wheel Pose (so called Urdhva Danurasana in Yoga) and then gracefully soaring back up.
Ps. To see the previous Demo, click HERE.
Yoga Demo {Video} Part I ~ Pincha Mayurasana Press-Up
As you might already know I'm practicing yoga on a daily basis cuz I really LOOOOVE it, I'm fascinated by it and I'm deepening my understanding of the physiology & anatomy behind all the positive effects of it. Here is a Demo of Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana) done as a press-up.
Are You Living Your Own "Happy Ending" ?

Day 52 of 108 ~ Gosh, The Wonderfullest Of Dreams {includes new Instructions}

Zooming Favorably

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