"And NOW I'm celebrating the discovery of it, that this situation put a strong spotlight on it and most of all I celebrate the newfound EMPOWERMENT on this subject."

It's Day 9 of "
30 Days Get Ready For Excellence" today (for all details click
HERE) and I've really got some things stirred up and come to great insights. Really it's the same simple recipe to change anything unwanted into wanted. It might mean a slight change or a turnover, but still, it's the same recipe applied. So simple it can seem non-effective to some things, like the most ingrown habits that really seem like a lifetime part of us, the "I've always been/done like this" stuff or "That thing just IS like that, has always been..", the things that seems "unchangeable". Same simple and actually pretty easy thing apply. Especially easy when gotten into these new well-being-abounds-habits. (How do I get into those new habits? Details
HERE) I'm really appreciative of this recent challenge that I'm on and today I'm especially praising the "written" exercise that is "of own choice" each day, which means you can apply a different technique each day which is most appealing to the need of that very day. (Details
The first few days I continued the Bounce technique from the last challenge cuz I really LOVE it and seemed like I'd do it forever, but then something came up that made it feel tricky to use that one ~ and so I started to "feel after" what other technique to use that would give me a feeling of relief to that very situation, and BAM ~ I got reminded about something I haven't used in a long time and it's a "what do I want and why do I want it" kinda thing. So I got all excited and wrote What? on the left side of the paper and Why? on the right side, as making two columns. Combining this exercise with "Finding The Feeling Place Of What I Want" I eagerly began... Under the first column I stated how I desired to feel regarding this subject/situation, and under the second column I stated Why I desired that.
So the general conclusion followed that I wanted to mold it into feeling confidence, empowerment, worthiness and trust regarding this subject. And so, it got so clear to me that the situation only felt uncomfy and impossible because of my own thought habits about THAT very subject. I've felt so confident and empowered in general that it was weird to me how this situation came up where I felt "incapable" and I noticed how this had been a pattern so ingrown (regarding that subject/situation only), that it felt like second nature to me. Felt natural to be super capable "with that exception only" LOL :))))Read about the benefits of negative emotions
HERE :)))
And NOW I'm celebrating the discovery of it, that this situation put a strong spotlight on it and most of all I celebrate the newfound EMPOWERMENT on this subject. And if any other such ingrown patterns regarding other subjects would want to come forward, they are WARMLY WELCOME!!! Thank you, YUM :)))
Ps. Feel Free to join the 30 Days Get Ready for Excellence, check out all details HERE!
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