Wooohooo!!! I'm announcing the new challenge ~ GET-READY-FOR-EXCELLENCE!!! Read about the last one that TOTALLY DID BLEW my mind
HERE!!! Alright, it was beyond delicious and mega-effective, so this new one will be kind of a "continuation" of it and I'll share all details what I'm including here with you! I'm beginning tomorrow on the 9th of October 2012, and I know there will be a bunch of people with me on it ~ however YOU can begin whenever it inspires you :))) Also: Feel free to personalize the challenge, or make any previous challenge I've posted. Do the exercise/s that attract/s you most, or all of them, together during these 30days beginning tomorrow, or whenever you feel ready. I'm sharing what I'm currently doing and I've been on this Experiment-With-Myself for a few years now, so feel free to just get inspired by it :))) It's very effective doing a smaller part to, as long as you feel attracted and inspired to doing it!
Having fun and feeling good as you fine-tune your good-feeling-habits, that's the "purpose" of this !!!
Coaching is available for anyone wanting personal mentoring on their way to Self-Empowerment-Delux! Enjoy yourselves, and savor the moments as much as you possibly can :))) YUM!!!

1. EVENING EXERCISE Setting Intentions (in bed, focused in your mind) Going through intentions for the night, "how to" fall asleep (easily?, with ease? with a smile on my face?), your sleep/dreams (sleep well? dream deliciously? wake up refreshed?) etc and the next day, as specific as it feels GOOD, the purpose is feeling good so keep it within that range. And include having FUN (for example EVEN while doing your regular stuff/chores etc) as an intention. You can make it a "daydreaming"-theme of this intention-setting, if inspired.
2. MORNING EXERCISE (in bed, written) Appreciations. For example a list of 10 things ~ to start your day in the best feeling way possible :)))
3. WHOLE DAY EXERCISE (awareness and fine tuning of habits, in three parts) Being aware (part 1) of when you talk about something in a way that you'd not prefer it to be. And when noticing it, just peacefully and quietly change the subject (Part 2), being easy on yourself. In this situation, also REMIND yourself (Part 3) that ALL things happening (however feeling/seeming at this current moment) IS OF BENEFIT in the broader perspective. And remembering this, it will be easier to switch subjects instead of "trying to sort things out". This means, every time you talk/think/act in a way to "sort out" or "prevent" something unwanted ~ REMIND yourself AND peacefully with awareness of that benefit WILL come out of this ... change subject/do something fun/ distract yourself :))) Note that this is an opportunity to fine-tune your feeling of wellbeing and deliberately creating your experience, meaning BE EASY ON YOURSELF when "catching yourself" :))) [If this feels outrageously impossible to be aware or "catch yourself" while being easy on yourself enough to make the fine-tuning interesting, recognize it and instead do this exercise: Make a written list of some things you are appreciative of at least THREE times, set your alarm or whatever to remind yourself. After some time of creating this new habit, the exercise explained will seem a lot more accessible to you!!!]
4. ONCE A DAY EXERCISE (written) Of own choice, it can be listing positive aspects, it can be the Bounce Technique explained in the last challenge (click HERE for details), a rampage of appreciation, finding a feeling place you'd want as a "theme" for the week/month etc or daydreaming in written form... Have FUN with it :)))
I'd like to
THANK YOU ~ everyone who has participated and will participate, and I really LOVE the feedback I get from you in all forms like: enjoying the challenge, spreading the word, sharing it in social media, writing comments, giving donations (clicking the donation-button on the left hand side column), writing blogs about it, linking to my blog... and so on!!!
Lotsa LOVE to ALL of YOU :))) I'm feeling the appreciation flowing!!!
PS. For a 7 days yogic autumn detox, free material with yoga classes and more, click
HERE to get more details!!!
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