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Day 30 ~ Worst Thing That Could Ever Happen!!!

It's amazing how thing's turn out and just a couple of days ago the circumstances for close relatives have totally collapsed, it's a seeming disaster.
And why am I saying "seeming" as I stand in the middle of it, witnessing the horror and the clearly devestating consequences of it all... It would be tempting to collapse following the momentum of it all. It literary could not be any worse actually. And here I'm saying "it seems like disaster". And that's because I've been lucky enough to experiment myself to an understanding of how this universe works and how I can make a difference in my life, and effectively molding my reality. I now know with all that I am, that this is not the disaster it seems to be.
In witnessing the utter unfairness and absurdity of what is now ongoing, it's the most beautiful gift to have the experience I have. I'm standing in the middle of it and at the most logical (objectively speaking) it will affect me & my child in a drastic way, and most likely for the rest of my life (not as likely for the rest of my childs life though, he might have a rough childhood but if not sooner - then as soon as he gets independent he'll most likely be pretty near un-affected by this). A decade ago I'd probably see myself in "denial" at this point, but this is something else than denial. And it's such a sweet knowing of that things actually ALWAYS work out for me. Life has presented pretty rough situations for me in other regards, which was seemingly rather nasty - all of them so far has found a nice twist in the aftermath. Although this one is a few million times worse, when not exaggerating, I'm actually feeling quite stable and grounded. It's an awesome feeling to stay grounded in the midst of a complete disaster. The power from within is obvious and I'm appreciating that the spotlight in this situation is on someone else, as I can be somewhat in the background watching. And knowing that when that wave hits me (as it logically would in due time), I will be able to handle it gracefully, no matter what. I'm appreciating that even though it logically will hit hard on me as well, there will most likely be something that smooths it as it arrives.
With the knowledge I've accumulated though these years of "everyday experiment experience", this is bound to be solved in one way or another. And I'm leaving up to the Universe to surprise and delight me with it! I'm watching my relatives with such impression, and so proud to witness how calm they sometimes are in the midst of this extreme contrasting experience, hitting them on all levels. How that natural calmness is finding its way through it all, and embodying them, even for a short while, it IS complete when it is there. Full, utter calmness. The natural power from within, the natural reassurance how all is never endingly "well".
"With the knowledge I've accumulated though these years of "everyday experiment experience", this is bound to be solved in one way or another. And I'm leaving up to the Universe to surprise and delight me with it!"
I'm standing back watching them crumble as their life's work, their babies of this life experience, their lives are made into nothing. And yet, they stand up and actually considering "taking it lightly". I admire this humble surrender to the forces of life and it's a delight to know that THAT is the key to make things turn around. Go for the path of logical least resistance. And something will eventually present itself to us, which we never would've imagined before all this revealed itself (just a few days ago, in a flash, but obviously had gained momentum over time). There is no justice in this one, except the wonders that will reveal themselves through it in the aftermaths. Blessed Life, Love Love Love!
PS. Keep Calm, and Don't Forget To Be Awesome :)))

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