Woooooooooooohooooooo!!! I'm really excited for this new challenge! It's the best ever :))) Been through the most amazing ones recently (see the previous ones), and at the end there is always a bunch of new ideas for the Next Logical Step ~ and this one I'm calling "I Made My Day!" and the intent is to do that on a daily basis! If you want instructions in swedish, click
HERE! ... Alright, now ~ let's get started:

"I'm sharing this from my own experiments, experiences and insights ~ which I then condens to exercises and before I share them I know why and how they work. And I'm applying it daily for a period of time, and sharing this with you for your inspiration. Individual Coaching is available, and these challenges are mostly a way of making coaching available for anyone, no matter economy. This is also why most participators are choosing to donate some money. Some regularly, some spontaneously ~ the amount is not important, the positive feedback is clear either way."

Beginning December 12th! Or whenever you fancy enjoying it :)))
1. Evening Exercise:
Do this written if you fancy, for more focus which equals more potential. Set intentions for your sleep, dreams, morning mood, morning feeling, and general for the next day.
NOTE: These exercises can be too much of a challenge if you've not practiced this at all before, So ~If you're new to this, check out the Newbie Challenge HERE instead!
2. Morning Exercise: Appreciation!!! Nothing gets you in a greater place than appreciation. Practice appreciating until it comes automatic for you!!! This is a great exercise, preferably written, but if you're already really GOOD at it, you can milk it while still in bed. If written, have paper and pen ready so you can do this one before getting up. So, first thing: list at least 5-10 things you love and appreciate. Start with what comes easy for you, and if you've got a rough start...maybe you love sleeping and waking up in a great mood...? Do you love feeling good? Alright put that on your list, and why not even start thinking about a moment when you felt really good - to get into the feeling... :))) How about that as a Day-Starter? :)))
3. During-The-Day Exercise, Written:
The blast written daily one!!! This one is MAGNIFICENT, it's turning things around instantly. The intention with this one is to CHANGE the way you feel about something, and all details can be found
HERE scrolling down to "number 3, During-The-Day Exercise", from the previous "Molding Reality Extravaganza" challenge. It's a total blast! ENJOY :))) Use it on anything that feels not-so-comfortable, to mold your feeling into a better place!
4. During-The-Day Exercise, Action: Turn any chore or ordinary thing into something extraordinary. It could be singing while doing the dishes, or anything else you love... skip down the road to work... pretend you're famous and imagine how you'd dress and act if you were famous/rich/happy.. (fill in what you'd love to experience and act like it)... it can be for a part of your day or the whole day, choose your level according to experience, this is a challenge for fun :)))

Enjoy this for 30 Days in a row, set an intention to try it at least these days, EVERYDAY, and you'll notice a big difference, guaranteed!!! There will be some great healthy and good feeling new habits established, which you will really ENJOY preparing for yourself, so HAVE FUN :)))

NOTE: I'm sharing this from my own experiments, experiences and insights ~ which I then condens to exercises and before I share them I know why and how they work. And I'm applying it daily for a period of time, and sharing this with you for your inspiration. Individual Coaching is available, and these challenges are mostly a way of making coaching available for anyone, no matter economy. This is also why most participators are choosing to donate some money. Some regularly, some spontaneously ~ the amount is not important, the positive feedback is clear either way. Feel Free to do it the way you're most inspired to!!! (Paypal charges a percentage for the transfer, but it will be charged of the money donated and not on top) So I'd like to give lots of
THANKS ~ to everyone who has participated already and everyone who will participate!! I really LOVE the feedback I get from YOU when sharing my experiences and insights and the exercises that I'm currently doing ~ feedback in all forms like: enjoying the challenge, spreading the word, sharing it in social media, writing comments, giving donations (clicking the donation-button on the left hand side column), writing blogs about it, linking to my blog... and so on!!!

Lotsa LOVE to ALL of YOU :))) I'm feeling the appreciation flowing!!!
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