Super quick, Easy and Delightful (& Healthy), this almost brownie-like snack can be made into brownies, cookies and balls, however you fancy them in the moment! I decided to make them into balls this time, and top them with hemp seeds. Feel free to choose any other topping you'd fancy. This one is made with Raw ingredients (I used regular cacao instead of raw), a super-food snack. Mesquite gives a toffee-touch to it, feel free to exchange it or exclude it. If excluding it you might need to use some honey or other sweet stuff, in that case taste the dough when ready to figure out if needed for your taste and add as much as you find appropriate.
Quick Blissed Out Snack (makes about 14)
1.5 dl (approx 2/3 of a cup)pecans
1 tablespoon mesquite (superfood that is sweet and has a toffee-like flavour)
2 tablespoons cacao powder
5 fresh regular sized dates, pitted
0.5 dl (less than 1/3 of a cup) gojiberries
2 tablespoons coconut oil

Using a food processor, or similar: First mix pecans until finely chopped, then add mesquite and cacao - pulsing until combined. Pour it all in a bowl to set a side. Mix dates, gojiberries and coconut oil until pretty well combined, then add the dry ingredients from the bowl. When well combined, shape the dough into desired shapes. If you want to make brownies you might want to let it set some in the freezer before cutting into squares (form the dough flat and let set in the freezer, then cut with a sharp knife). If making them into balls, just form them with your hands in desired sizes. Same with the cookies. I usually make the dough into a log and cut it when making cookies, or make into balls that I then press out forming a round cookie. Whichever shape you choose, you can top with gojis, hempseeds, shredded coconut or whatever else you fancy :))) Store in the freezer or the fridge. Delicious (and Healthy) for snack, breakfast, dessert or after-training... anytime ~ Enjoy! And check below for more recipes, most are Raw & Healthy :)))

Here are some examples of what you can find here on this blog:
Raw Cheesecake,
Raw Choco Chip Cookies,
Raw Fruit Loops/Leather,
Raw Pasta Alfredo,
Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding ,
Super Easy Raw Breakfast Treat ,
Delicious RAW Brownie,
The Oh-So-Lovely-Raspberry-Hazelnut-Chia-Pudding..,
Raw Tiramisu - EASY and DELICIOUS,
Gingerbread flavored Raw mudcake/fudge,
Raw Seed Crackers with Leek and Lemongrass,
Raw chocolate truffle,
Forest Mushroom Burgers (Raw) with
Lovely Salsa....and more... :)))
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