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Day 1 of Magically Effective 30Day-Challenge ~ Feel Free To Join !!!

WOW, can you believe I'm already at my 104 day of Theme Playfulness???? And a lovely group of friends of mine have decided to start an EFFECTIVE and fun 30day creation "challange" together!!! Several of us have already tried this and similar things, so we KNOW it will be Fun, Feel Fabulous and be Magically Effective... Join In :))))) So, what will we do then..??? Ok, here it comes: EVERYDAY (no misses!!!) for the next 30 days we will all write a journal with three posts (or do it in your own creative ways)... Its about goosing up in your feeling of Appreciation in sucha way that the Universe cannot but yield its wonders to you :))) 1: Appreciation for what has happened today/recently 2. Appreciation of what I want to come to me/get/happen, as if ALREADY happened (specific) 3. Appreciation of what is on its way (general) ~ High-5 !!! Have fun and get ready to be Mind-Blown :)))) I ADOOOORE my Kick-Ass-Master-Creator-Friends.. We ROCK... and this process ROCKS too..Fab Fab Fab..THANK YOU Friends!!! And Thanks to EVERYONE else participating and goosing up their vibes.. Its SO MUCH FUN doing this TOGETHER!!!!! Ps: Found the picture at google pictures, searching "journaling" Ps2: Next post includes a Video with Tips and Description + there is also a video with "tips and tricks" on the same youtube channel.. :)))


  1. I am sooooo siked for this 30 days!!! This is the cherry on the cake INDEED! Woot Woot!!!

    1. Oh, YES!!! Kick-Ass-Happy :))) Woot Woot!!!!

  2. I've got manifestations already. I just did my second entry and saw that my specific desire manifested just as I felt it would this moaning. Also, the general appreciation just brought me referrals for 2 new clients and a date for tonight and Saturday night! Nice, after only 24 hours!!!

    1. Yay Yay Yay, Lucia!!! Ani't it just Da Shit :))) That's how effective this is :))) LOVE IT, Thank You For Sharing!!! Congrats :))) This ROCKS, and YOU too!!!
