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After three 108-day Game Challenges in a row... (yes, that's DAILY for almost a whole year), I've noticed how clear my "Inner Voice" has become for me. I noticed effect already the first days and week, and the improvements never end...(!!!) I've been following my inspiration with more and more confidence during this time, and I ADORE the results of this period. It has made a PROFOUD effect on my knowledge about how this universe works, how powerful I am as a creator of my experiences, how Wellbeing and Love always abounds, how superclear and effective my mind can be, how I am the boss of my body/thoughts/cirumstances/situations!!! I was already Empowered and felt fabulous BEFORE I started this, but even though I was...
This has been a very profound SUPER-EMPOWERMENT-DELUX!!! There is no end to the Magnificence, The Genious !!! WOW :)))
I'd love to thank all of you that have been enjoying this process with me, and if you haven't already - to check out details and do your own challenge :))) I also want to thank EVERYONE so much for the donations, I'm really loving how this is changing our lives to more rejoicing, more deliciousness... more savoring!!!
Thank you ALL for the amazing feedback with words, sharing, donations and all the love :)))
The past week I've been inspired to enjoy some raw food (again)... actually I did my first Raw Food "cooking classes" in the beginning of 1990.. LOL.. and I'm really enjoying the experimenting of it, on and off, since then!! Anyhow, the past week I've tried some new recipes again and been having time to experiment some more. I love all kinds of food, and I'm following inspiration for which food to pick and when. At this moment it's more raw than other kind of foods.. [Photos, click HERE]... but I'm always enjoying whatever foods I'm currently inspired to pick out :))) Especially enjoying a refreshing breakfast after a nice [usually very delicious!!] yoga practice... Ahhh, the LOVE I feel :))) Ps. If you haven't already - ENJOY an Empowerment Fun Game Challenge - more on it, with details CLICK HERE :)))
Have a GORGEOUS and FUN DAY!!! Be Well and Shine On!!!


The past week I've been inspired to enjoy some raw food (again)... actually I did my first Raw Food "cooking classes" in the beginning of 1990.. LOL.. and I'm really enjoying the experimenting of it, on and off, since then!! Anyhow, the past week I've tried some new recipes again and been having time to experiment some more. I love all kinds of food, and I'm following inspiration for which food to pick and when. There are several yummy recipes on this blog... one recent VERY YUMMY (OMG! I've used this one as spread, as pasta sause both for regular pasta and "raw" pasta.. next time I'll make some crackers out of it.. but for now it's very finished.. LOL) you can find clicking HERE... and latest one you'll find clicking HERE... Some recipes from 2010, some {LOVE MADE}Stuff...Love Made Raw Crackers HERE & Love Made Raw Organic Yummy Bites HERE
This mornings smoothie: topped with nectarine, hempseeds, gojis, coconut oil...
This mornings smoothie got kinda black from the mix of blueberries and supergrass powder :)))
YUMMY cookies... Oh My, Mesquite is delicious as "sweetner" :))) And I get no "sugar-dip" !!!
"Raw Cookies", that I ADORED (yes, I've finished them already..!!!)
NOTE: Links for some recipes, see the text above!!! YUM for experimenting and following inspiration :)))


♥ A True Kick-Starter :)))

Hampa-Superfruit-Smootie... ♥ True Kick-Starter :)))
* A handful of almonds (about 20) * the flesh of 2 small nectaries (or peaches) * half of a tablespoon mesquete * 1 tablespoon hampa protein * 1 tablespoon supergreens mix (wheatgrass, spirulina and mint) * some raspberries (fresh or frosen)
... blend and add water until desired thickness, pour into a beautiful glass & sprinkle some hampa seeds on top... Enjoy ! ♥


OMG ~ Lick-The-Bowl-Delicious

Yum, I just did a very yummy sause ... Very simple..
1 handful of almonds + a piece of carrot + sundried tomatoes in oil (approx 5) + some oil from the tomatoes + 1 garlic clove + basil + salt
Mix together until becomes a paste (if you need, add to make it your preferable thickness)... Can be used as RAW spread, RAW pasta sause.. or even dehydrated ~ it can turn into some yummy crackers...
I used it with some warm pasta.. and it was too DELICIOUS to not clean the bowl with my finger when done... Oh MY!!! :)))


Renée Voltaire - A Glorious Mix Cook Book in English

Renée Voltaire - A Glorious Mix Cook Book in English

"I've done alot of Renee Voltaire stuff in the past two years, and EVERYTHING I've tried from this book is DELICIOUS and most things are very easily made too..."
Made some lovely things inspired by Renee Voltaire in these days.. Just enjoyed a glass of creamy turkish yogurt with homemade toppings... Buckweat Crunch, Fig Butter and Almond Butter...All RawFood-Style... that was VERY YUMMY together ♥ Freakin YUM!!!! All toppings are made with recipes from Renees latest cookbook, that is now avaliable in English !! Highly Recommended :))) I've done alot of her stuff in the past two years, and EVERYTHING I've tried from this book is DELICIOUS and most things are very easily made too :))) ...there are ALOT of recipes and alot of the ones I've already tried, I've remade over and over... ♥♥♥


Day 108 Celebration

Wow, it's already Day 108 of my third 108-day-fun-challenge so far!!! I can not imagine where all this will take me, it has already made my life a WONDERLIFE... fun-packed, delight-packed and with all kindsa super-personal surprises, I'm feeling sooo ADORED by this Universe!!! I hope you've had a wonderful ride yourselves during these days, or however many days you did! The fun is neverending, and evolving into new even more mind-blowing things! Only the past month has been very transformational for me in a rather cool way, lol, so I'm filled with awe about how MAGICAL these "challenges" are :))) It is also so awesome how the "magical" & "miracle" of life are my new "normal" and equally predictable. Some things are not even worth telling people, its too fairy tail how it comes some of the goodies I keep for myself or share with my insiders that already have personal experience and know very well what wonders are possible. The new "gossip" hahaha!!! It is ALL possible, and the KNOWING, the personal experience of UNDERSTANDING the unlimited potential of each one of us, WOW, just WOW... there are not words to describe it! Experience it for yourself, play with it, experiment, the "work" is SO DARN SIMPLISTIC it seems like non-sense LOL, but I cannot even describe in words the power of these "techniques"... one just gotta try em for emselves :))) yo!!! Did you miss to participate?? What did I do during this fun & supereffective challenge?? click HERE to read and try yourself! It is all free of charge! Many have decided to Donate (see donation button at the left side of the blog), which is warmly welcomed of course too :))) LOVE how the feedback is soo very palpable!!!


Wayantee Mantra {includes video}

Being asked alot for more videos with my music, so here is another short video, enjoy :))) This mantra is known as one of the 7 mantras used in the singing meditaiton at the end of the morning Sadhana in the Kundalini Yoga tradition, where it is sung for 7 minutes. It has been sung and recorded in many different melody variations by many kirtan/sacred chant artists, such as for example Mirabai Ceiba, Wah!, Snatam Kaur, GuruGanesha Singh... and many more :)))


What About My Truths? (Q&A)

I've read "The Right Way", would you clarify why I feel bad sometimes even if I know that I am right? Shouldn't it feel empowering if I am right?
Oh, we love to explain this to you, or shall we say "REMIND" you. Because this is, so to speak, part of the whole agreement. Before coming into physical you knew the "rules of the game". One of your strongest traits is to know you are right and that you were to choose to live this life in your unique way, find your own truth. While there are many choices; some resonate more with the non-physical-perspective of how it is, some choices resonate less. That is where your emotion about it comes in. You can KNOW you are right, or "this is how-it-is" as you say. And as you feel certain about your rightness you also feel bad about it being so. It is your reminder of that there are other perspectives to choose from, others which resonate with enjoying life. You are still free to choose your truths, unconditionally free, while when you choose a perspective that resonates with the non-physical-perspective of this game you play - then you are "In Alignment" with non-physical (The Ultimate Source) and you ENJOY that current part of your life. (August 11th, 2012)
Ps. THIS is the original post at SOC


On The Right Way

~ Oh, the love we feel for you when you make it really hard for yourselves and you want others to do it your hard-way.
Oh, the love we feel for you as you try soo hard when its really not hard. Oh, the love we feel for you when you decide which option is the only-right-one and when you try make others agree on it. Oh, the love we feel for you when we see you push against eachother where each of you firmly believe that your opinion is the only-right-way. Oh, the love we feel for you when you make it really hard for yourselves and you want others to do it your hard-way. Oh, the love we feel for you when you are so stubborn in your knowing that IT is the right thing. Yes, you are right it IS right, cuz every thing and every way is right. And this is what makes it so stubborn for you to try change others. What is right for you IS right for you. And what is right for another IS right for another, no matter how far-off it seems to you. That is the elegancy of your determination to find the VERY right thing, you came to find the very right things and ways for yourself all subjects encountered. It, though, is an individual thing. EVERYONE came to find their OWN right-thing. Hard to hear maybe. None the less, that is how it is. Everytime you condemn someone elses choice, you deprive yourself of the infinite variety of choices avaliable. How does it feel to condemn their choice? Yes, you should feel that you are right in your OWN desicion, cuz you always are right when comes to your own choices which feels best for you. Just not choose choices for anyone else, not tell them what or how to do things. It is none of your buisness. Your buisness is to choose for yourself and live it to the best of your ability. You are determant to be the ONE making choices and decisions, and YES, it is what you came for. Only thing, it counts for YOU only. You are not here to decide for anyone else, you do not know the best for anyone else. Only them can know, and it is up to them to choose fully how to live this time around. Does it feel tricky living together with others not sharing your opinions. That is where "you make it so hard on yourself" comes in. It is not hard, or should we say "you can choose to do it the natural way", which is: you choose for yourself what feels best for you, what you prefer, and live by it, while appreciating that YOU have the free choice of creating the colors on your palette painting your life. In the appreciation that YOU, yourself, have this always-free-choice ~ it comes natural for you to remember that everyone chooses for themselves exclusively. What stirs it up for you is the strong feeling of being right at all times. And you are, always, when it comes to yourself. We love you so much!!!! (August 9th 2012)
Ps. HERE is the original post on SOC


Acting From Worthiness

On Worthiness ~ When in alignment you know your worth so fully, you never ever sense accusation of any sort hence no urge to defend oneself.
You know that in alignment you always act in a cluster, its never "little you" acting - it's done in collective from a broader perspective, so "little you" doesn't know the whole picture and is never as you say responsible or blameable in the sense that we mean it. You can seem to be accused and blamed by others, but its your own story you're telling. When in alignment you know your worth so fully, you never ever sense accusation of any sort hence no urge to defend oneself. The feeling of urge to accuse and point out wrongness is always from a non-aligned state of being. The feeling of urge to defend oneself comes from that same place of non-alignment. No action can be a wrong-action in the broader sense, although it is more or less aligned as we see it and you are fully able to choose which way to act, live and respond in every circumstance. Alignment always feels lighter and freer, that is how you know the difference.( August 8th 2012)
Ps. This is the original post on SOC


Just A Hint ~ How Wishes Come True :))))

Being happy is the cornerstone of all that you are! Nothing is more important than that you feel good [if you wish for a smooth life where your wishes come true]! And you have absolute and utter control about that because you can choose the thought that makes you worry or the thought that makes you happy; the things that thrill you, or the things that worry you. You have the choice in every moment. (from Abe Daily Quote, Aug 5th 2012) ♥ LOVE this Life :)))