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{Love Made} Quick & Easy RAW Walnut Mince ~ Substitutes Minced Meat And More...

One of my absolute favorite RAW recipes is a Walnut Mince that can be added to a variety of dishes including Tacos, Burritos, Salads, Side Dishes, with Pasta ... and a lot more... all of which can be made raw or semi-raw according to your choice that day. By changing seasoning you can make it fit like a glove to whatever dish you're planning. It stays alright in the refrigerator for about one week, and I'm using it sprinkled even as sandwich "spread". I play around with seasoning, altho it's GREAT the way it is as well!!! You'll need some kinda mixer or food processor. I use a gadget with an S-blade.
Alright, let's get down to sharing this simple genius recipe!!!
Walnut Mince
1 cup Walnuts
1 cup Sun Dried Tomatoes in oil
Seasoning (optional) such as cumin (the indian one, used in garam masala mixes), garam masala, tandoori, curry, basil, thai spice, choriander ...or any of your choice - feel free to play around
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This one tastes REALLY GOOD as it is, so usually I make the batch above or half of it to store in the fridge. Super easy, throw the walnuts and the sun-dried tomatoes in the blender - blend until desired consistency. (Should be crumbly mimicking "minced meat")
If you'd want chunks of "meat" or more of a "kebab style" you can add a few cherry tomatoes to the mix, blend them before adding the rest, to not over-process the walnuts. When ready, spread it out on a baking sheet to put in the oven on lowest temperature, or on a sheet in your dehydrator. This will make it into a mass that you can then cut into desired sizes.
Enjoy!!! There are more recipes on this blog, feel free to browse them & try em out... for example Raw Cheesecake, Raw Choco Chip Cookies, Raw Fruit Loops/Leather, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Super Easy Breakfast Treat , Delicious RAW Brownie :)))


Impressive Drawings By Artist With Great Attitude :)))

Chris LaPorte: City Band from Mary Matthews on Vimeo.

Impressive Work On These Drawings... ...and note what he says at about 6.35 minutes :))) Oh YES!!! This is how this Universe works!!!
Another great line: "The greatest opportunity to learn is when you don't do it right."

{Love Made} Super Easy RAW Breakfast Treat With Steel Cut Oats

Oh My, one of my absolute favorite breakfasts ever!! And it's RAW. And VERY EASY to prepare. Note that it has to sit, preferably overnight, so I'm making a few portions in one go each time. I'm using some delicious spices in this recipe but feel free to skip them if you want it neutral!! When ready you can eat it as it is, or top it with whatever you desire! Found this recipe some time ago, I think it was from Vegetarian Times (?), and I think I've kept it pretty much as that one ever since. It's kinda like "oatmeal" in the sense that it's filling, made with oats and easy to make, although now I actually prefer this one since it is also somewhat chewable... not needed but adds the option to chew... lol :)))
Alright, lets get to the recipe!
Raw Oatmeal With Steel Cut Oats ~ 3 servings
1 cup (about 2.5 dl) Steel-Cut Oats
2.5 tablespoons Chia Seeds
1 cup Mylk/Milk of your desire (I've tried Mylks of Cashew, Almond, Coconut. If using cows milk I'd not make a larger amount, but instead an amount for one day at a time.)
2 tablespoons shredded coconut (sometimes I do with and sometimes without)
1 tablespoon Honey (optional, and skip it if your mylk is sweetened)
Pinch of Salt
Spices (optional) - cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, vanilla
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Let's get started - I'm making the nut milk freshly with nuts or nutbutter and water. Using about 1-2 tablespoons nut butter with 1 cup of water, blending it in a mixer/food processor. When making this recipe I'm adding the honey to the blend with the milk before pouring it over the other ingredients. So when done with the milk, or if you have ready made: Uning an air-tight container or a glass jar with a lid - stir all ingredients together with a spoon, including whatever of the optional seasoning desired. Then pour the mylk/milk on top, and stir again. Then put the lid on and let it rest in the refrigerator at least overnight (or until the Oats are soft enough to chew). The chia seeds make it stick together some, so if you fancy it sticking together more you can add more of those :))) The added mylk/milk will have been soaked up by the time its ready. This recipe makes 3 servings, and you can store it in the fridge for those days if wanting breakfast for 3 days in a row. Top it with whatever you desire like fresh fruits, seeds, nuts ~ and adding maybe some mylk/milk, yogurt or such. I like eating it with sliced fresh banana only, but I'm varying it with other toppings too ~ today as you can see in the photo, I topped with pine nuts, goji berries, pumpkin seeds, cashews, banana and kiwi!
This breakfast fills me up in a great way, very satisfying and I really love the addition of the spices in this one :))) Now, if feeling inspired, try this out and check out the other yummy recipes on here like for example Raw Cheesecake, Raw Choco Chip Cookies, Raw Fruit Loops/Leather, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Quick&Easy Walnut Mince - A Substitute for Minced Meat and more..., Delicious RAW Brownie ~ ENJOY!!!


{Love Made} Raw Pasta Alfredo

I'm loving creamy pasta, and this one ~ the raw version of "Pasta Alfredo" is VERY tasty :))) There are quite a few recipes online, but also very similar... Some add truffle-olive-oil or exchange the cashews for hemp seeds. Anyhow, this is how I made it:
Peeled Zucchini made into spagetti/fettuccini or similar using whatever tools you've got. A peeler works fine. I used a "turning slicer". And I used about a third of a regular sized zucchini per person (it's individual how much you want, but to know approximately).
Sauce (Serves 1-2)
1 dl (approx half a cup) cashews
3/4 dl water, I added first 1/2 dl and then some more to get desired thickness
1 tablespoon lemon juice
garlic to taste (raw garlic is stronger in taste, so I'm actually using a very small amount, just a few thin slices of a clove)
salt & pepper to taste
other extras to taste(optional) olive oil, truffle-olive-oil
topping (optional) ~ parsley, dill, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seed etc
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I used a food processor with an S-blade to mix the ingredients. When all mixed, I poured it over the pasta and gave it a stir to cover it all. Then added the toppings, today I chose dill and hemp seeds.
Check out other raw recipes like, for example Chocolate Chip Cookies, Fruit Leather Candy, Raw Cheesecake, Super Easy Raw "Oatmeal", Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding, Quick&Easy Walnut Mince - A Substitute for Minced Meat and more..., Delicious RAW Brownie And have a GORGEOUS DAY :)))

{Love Made} Raw Chocolate Chip Cookies With Oats

This morning of the 20th day of the Get-Ready-For-Excellence Challenge, has been a blast already... This challenge is such a delight to participate in, I cannot cease to praise it :))) Click HERE to read more, get all details, and join in if feeling inspired... I'm sharing it all for free :))) Anyhow, let's get on with this recipe that I found here. And I haven't tried them yet, just recently made them... just nabbed some of the dough and some of the chocolate, which was very yummy indeed, so cannot go wrong :)))
1 cup (approx 2.5 dl) Rolled Oats (I used regular, but if you prefer fully raw there is non-steamed rolled oats available, just check the package information)
1/2 cup (approx 1 dl + 1/4 dl) cashews
1 tablespoon coconut oil
3 tablespoons honey ( feel free to substitute with other sweetener if desired)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla seeds
pinch of salt
1/2 cup chocolate chips (the recipe below of raw chocolate makes this amount)
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...or cacao nibs or whatever you fancy :))) I used homemade chocolate making it with 1/2 dl (approx 1/4 cup) coconut oil, 1/4 dl(approx 1/8 cup) cacao and (optional) some honey... (I've tried with and without, and when using it for these cookies, I find no need for the honey) Make sure to cool both the dough and the chocolate properly before mixing it together since the coconut oil based one will melt easily... it did for me, even if I cooled well.. but it doesn't matter, they got chocolate striped instead... who cares :))) Put the chocolate (if coconut-oil based) in the freezer before adding it, that way it will melt less and make dots of chocolate in your cookies rather than stripes.. delicious either way of course.. :)
Alright, there are a few steps to this one...
Using a food processor with an S-blade, I mixed half the oats and the cashews to a "flour", then added everything except the rest of the oats and the chocolate. After mixing it together to a crumble, I added the rest of the oats to blend again. When done, I put the dough in the refrigerator to let it chill. Meanwhile I made the chocolate (if having ready-made you can blend them in the dough right a way, altho if coconut oil based - both the dough and the chocolate have to chill prior to blending.) When the chocolate was ready I cut it into pieces and blended it into the dough. Then pressed it together and made it log-like before cutting it with a knife into cookies... I pressed each cookie some more to make it stick-together properly before I put them on waxed paper in an air-tight container. These, I've read, are best to store in the freezer, and can hold up to a week or two. I don't think these will last even near to a week, but just for your information :))) I'm assuming you could dehydrate these too, but the storage in the freezer is because the oats easily goes rancid... so keep them freezed either way :))) And in this recipe the freezing is majorly for storage, which means ~ let them un-freeze a few minutes before enjoying them... for example meanwhile making your cuppa tea or similar... :)))
YAY!! Delicious :)))
Now, try these out, and check out the other recipes... for example (click on them to open the recipe) Raw Fruit Leather Candy, Raw Mini Cheesecakes, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Super Easy Raw "Oatmeal" Breakfast, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Quick&Easy Walnut Mince - A Substitute for Minced Meat and more..., Delicious RAW Brownie!!! Have a GORGEOUS DAY :)))

{Love Made} Raw "Fruit Leather" Candy

Day 20 of the Get-Ready-For-Excellence Challenge!!! Time passes so quickly while having fun and feeling awesome :))) I'm adoring these challenges, they make me focus on a daily basis on how I want to feel and experience, in a way that my reality molds into it! It's a delight to first feel it and then witness the deliciousness of it!!! Click HERE for all of the details, and feel free to join in anytime!!!
Yesterday I prepared to make "Fruit Leather" Candy, a raw variation, and since it was first attempt, it was pretty exciting to see how it would turn out. I had actually made some raw ice cream that my son wanted for dessert, he helped me out and decided the ingredients - and he insisted on using fruits only and not adding any honey/agave or such. So, that was the way it went. Raspberries + Strawberries + Banana, where the banana was fresh and the berries frozen. Used a food processor with an S-blade to blend it into an ice cream consistency. Then he ate some and saved some to eat as a puree later on... While I spread out the rest on a non-stick baking sheet to put in the owen on the lowest temperature... to make the candy out of it! Use a dehydrator if you have one, and if not - you'll need to open the oven to let the humidity out every once in a while... :)))
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Ingredients {IceCream/FruitPuree/FruitLeather}
3/4 of a cup (approx 2 dl) Frozen Raspberries
3/4 of a cup (approx 2 dl) Frozen Strawberries
1/2 Fresh Banana
Coconut Oil to grease the baking sheet, if needed
When I could peel off the "leather" from the baking sheet, I cut it into straps and rolled them up to store in a glass jar. Yummy snack, and I love to let it melt in my mouth...
Made some Raw chocolate-chip cookies today too, it'll be the next post!!! Have a GORGEOUS DAY!!! And you can find yesterdays raw cheesecake recipe by clicking HERE, and a raw version of Pasta Alfredo, creamy sauce HERE... Super Easy Raw "Oatmeal" Breakfast HERE ...Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Quick&Easy Walnut Mince - A Substitute for Minced Meat and more... , Delicious RAW Brownie ENJOY :)


{Love Made} Raw Cheesecake ~ Oh My!!!

Oh My Source, it's Day 19 of the current Get-Ready-For-Excellence Challenge and I'm soaring high, feeling delicious ~ and witnessing all the wonderful results flowing into my experience as a very natural unfolding ~ and to my delight of course :))) Click HERE to read all details, and feel free to join in!!!
Today I felt inspired to make raw cheesecake - with a very simple recipe that I found here. I made half a batch, approx, and divided it into six muffin cups :))) They are in the freezer right now, and I haven't decided yet what to top with. Anyways, here is the recipe I used:
1 dl (approx half a cup) almonds
1/2 dl (approx 1/4 of a cup) walnuts
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 dl (approx 1/2 cup) dates
pinch of salt
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I used a food-processor with an S-blade to make both crust and filling/cheese. Prepared with putting on some music I love, cuz I really love singing as I make food. And in that mood of joy and love, I began... First of all mixing the nuts into a flour, then added the cinnamon & salt - and last I added the dates that I had soaked a few minutes and chopped up. When all was mixed into a crumble, I pressed it together with my hands, and rolled it into a log which I cut with a knife into six "cakes". Each muffin cup got one "cake" of crust, that I pressed with my fingers to make it fit.
2 dl (approx 1 cup) cashews
1/4 dl (appprox 1/8 of a cup) coconut oil
1/4 dl (approx 1/8 of a cup) honey
Juice from 1 lemon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla seeds
To make the cheese/filling, I used the same food processor as for the crust. First mixing the cashews into a flour, then adding vanilla seeds and mixed that. Contuning with adding coconut oil, lemon juice and honey and mixed it ~ it became a dough-like consistency. With a spatula I divided it in between the six muffin cups, on top of the crust. When ready, I put them in the freezer. And now, here I am writing about it... I tasted the cheese/filling, and it was pure deliciousness.. so I cannot wait for them to get ready to share with my family... yum!!!
Ps. I actually let my family choose topping, since they were made in portion cups... We had raspberries and blueberries at home, and I choosed raspberry..which was DIVINE... next bite I'll have to try it out with blueberries... :)))
Check out some other recipes like: Super-Easy Raw "oatmeal" Breakfast, Raw Choco Chip Cookies, Raw Fruit Loops/Leather, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Quick&Easy Walnut Mince - A Substitute for Minced Meat and more..., Delicious RAW Brownie


Day 9 ~ Newfound Empowerment {incl. How}

"And NOW I'm celebrating the discovery of it, that this situation put a strong spotlight on it and most of all I celebrate the newfound EMPOWERMENT on this subject."
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It's Day 9 of "30 Days Get Ready For Excellence" today (for all details click HERE) and I've really got some things stirred up and come to great insights. Really it's the same simple recipe to change anything unwanted into wanted. It might mean a slight change or a turnover, but still, it's the same recipe applied. So simple it can seem non-effective to some things, like the most ingrown habits that really seem like a lifetime part of us, the "I've always been/done like this" stuff or "That thing just IS like that, has always been..", the things that seems "unchangeable". Same simple and actually pretty easy thing apply. Especially easy when gotten into these new well-being-abounds-habits. (How do I get into those new habits? Details HERE) I'm really appreciative of this recent challenge that I'm on and today I'm especially praising the "written" exercise that is "of own choice" each day, which means you can apply a different technique each day which is most appealing to the need of that very day. (Details HERE)
The first few days I continued the Bounce technique from the last challenge cuz I really LOVE it and seemed like I'd do it forever, but then something came up that made it feel tricky to use that one ~ and so I started to "feel after" what other technique to use that would give me a feeling of relief to that very situation, and BAM ~ I got reminded about something I haven't used in a long time and it's a "what do I want and why do I want it" kinda thing. So I got all excited and wrote What? on the left side of the paper and Why? on the right side, as making two columns. Combining this exercise with "Finding The Feeling Place Of What I Want" I eagerly began... Under the first column I stated how I desired to feel regarding this subject/situation, and under the second column I stated Why I desired that.
So the general conclusion followed that I wanted to mold it into feeling confidence, empowerment, worthiness and trust regarding this subject. And so, it got so clear to me that the situation only felt uncomfy and impossible because of my own thought habits about THAT very subject. I've felt so confident and empowered in general that it was weird to me how this situation came up where I felt "incapable" and I noticed how this had been a pattern so ingrown (regarding that subject/situation only), that it felt like second nature to me. Felt natural to be super capable "with that exception only" LOL :))))Read about the benefits of negative emotions HERE :))) And NOW I'm celebrating the discovery of it, that this situation put a strong spotlight on it and most of all I celebrate the newfound EMPOWERMENT on this subject. And if any other such ingrown patterns regarding other subjects would want to come forward, they are WARMLY WELCOME!!! Thank you, YUM :)))
Ps. Feel Free to join the 30 Days Get Ready for Excellence, check out all details HERE!


{Love Made} Chai-Chia-Pudding ~ Kheer Variation (Uncooked/Raw Kheer)

Made a very simple version of the indian "kheer" today, an uncooked version of it using chia seeds instead of the rice. I'd say this batch below serves 2 persons for dessert, or 1 person if enjoyed for breakfast :)
1 cup (2-2.5 dl) of milk (your favorite kind, plant based or not, I prefer using some creamy variant)
3 tablespoons Chia Seeds (White ones for esthetic reasons if available, if not black works equally well altho makes another appearance)
cardamom to taste (feel free to play around, using the classic Chai-spices or some spice-based chai tea like "Yogi Tea Sweet Chai")
sweeten to taste, using your favorite one ( I used honey, approx 1 teaspoon)
[pinch of saffron ~ optional ~ I didn't use it this time, but it's used in a lot of Kheer recipes]
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1. Put all ingredients above in a container/a jar with a lid, stir and have a taste to make sure the spices and sweeteners have found harmony. Then put the lid on and let sit in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight, until thickened to a pudding.
2. Re-Stir before eating it as it is or top it with dried fruits and nuts/similar.. like chopped pistachios, cashew, almonds and sultanas...
This pudding can be eaten as dessert as well as for breakfast... I've just set a batch for tomorrow morning, Sunday-Delight-Breakfast :)))
Soo freakin yummy!!!
Check out Other Recipes, for example: Raw Cheesecake, Raw Choco Chip Cookies, Raw Fruit Loops/Leather, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Super Easy Breakfast Treat , Delicious RAW Brownie


A Few Zillion Bucks !!!

It's Day 3 of 30 and I'm feeling like a few zillion bucks :))) This Fun Challenge is amazing!!! (Get all details HERE) Feeling sure-footed, happy, everything-is-working-out-for-me and all that, a very delicious place to be at :))) So, these past three days I've chosen The Bounce technique as the written exercise and sneaked in some appreciation rampage in it too.. It's a delight to combine those to I feel, and it has been what I've been inspired to. I keep on dreaming really GOOD feeling dreams that feels very "real" and I keep on bumping into situation and people who are very pleasurable. Including people spontaneously giving me a BIG smile on the street, just "because" :))) Great timings and such, wonderful to feel this way and looking forward to what's up next! Good vibrations indeed :))) Hoping you are all enjoying yourselves as much as I am!!! All details HERE if you haven't started already, feel free to enjoy this period together with us!! SWEET to establish great feeling habits in a fun and good feeling way, I adore this way, perfect!!!


Day 1 of 7 ~ AUTUMN DETOX

Hey, you all. I recently notified about a yoga fitness challenge of 21 days that I was participating in during the last of my "blow-my-mind" challenges (Click here for the new challenge, beginning 9th of october ~ fine-tuning of feeling good habits!!). Got a lot of positive feedback for sharing that info, so I'll let you know that I'm currently participating in a 7 day "begin the autumn" detox including yogic techniques, yogic classes, some ayurvedic recipes etc. It's all free, get access by clicking HERE :) And Enjoy, begin any day now during october :)))
Ps. I signed up to get a daily email reminder with links to all the different videos of yoga classes and demos of the different yogic techniques!

WOOT WOOT!!! Details For The New 30-Day Challenge Get-Ready-For-Excellence :))))

Wooohooo!!! I'm announcing the new challenge ~ GET-READY-FOR-EXCELLENCE!!! Read about the last one that TOTALLY DID BLEW my mind HERE!!! Alright, it was beyond delicious and mega-effective, so this new one will be kind of a "continuation" of it and I'll share all details what I'm including here with you! I'm beginning tomorrow on the 9th of October 2012, and I know there will be a bunch of people with me on it ~ however YOU can begin whenever it inspires you :))) Also: Feel free to personalize the challenge, or make any previous challenge I've posted. Do the exercise/s that attract/s you most, or all of them, together during these 30days beginning tomorrow, or whenever you feel ready. I'm sharing what I'm currently doing and I've been on this Experiment-With-Myself for a few years now, so feel free to just get inspired by it :))) It's very effective doing a smaller part to, as long as you feel attracted and inspired to doing it!
Having fun and feeling good as you fine-tune your good-feeling-habits, that's the "purpose" of this !!!
Coaching is available for anyone wanting personal mentoring on their way to Self-Empowerment-Delux! Enjoy yourselves, and savor the moments as much as you possibly can :))) YUM!!!
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1. EVENING EXERCISE Setting Intentions (in bed, focused in your mind) Going through intentions for the night, "how to" fall asleep (easily?, with ease? with a smile on my face?), your sleep/dreams (sleep well? dream deliciously? wake up refreshed?) etc and the next day, as specific as it feels GOOD, the purpose is feeling good so keep it within that range. And include having FUN (for example EVEN while doing your regular stuff/chores etc) as an intention. You can make it a "daydreaming"-theme of this intention-setting, if inspired.
2. MORNING EXERCISE (in bed, written) Appreciations. For example a list of 10 things ~ to start your day in the best feeling way possible :)))
3. WHOLE DAY EXERCISE (awareness and fine tuning of habits, in three parts) Being aware (part 1) of when you talk about something in a way that you'd not prefer it to be. And when noticing it, just peacefully and quietly change the subject (Part 2), being easy on yourself. In this situation, also REMIND yourself (Part 3) that ALL things happening (however feeling/seeming at this current moment) IS OF BENEFIT in the broader perspective. And remembering this, it will be easier to switch subjects instead of "trying to sort things out". This means, every time you talk/think/act in a way to "sort out" or "prevent" something unwanted ~ REMIND yourself AND peacefully with awareness of that benefit WILL come out of this ... change subject/do something fun/ distract yourself :))) Note that this is an opportunity to fine-tune your feeling of wellbeing and deliberately creating your experience, meaning BE EASY ON YOURSELF when "catching yourself" :))) [If this feels outrageously impossible to be aware or "catch yourself" while being easy on yourself enough to make the fine-tuning interesting, recognize it and instead do this exercise: Make a written list of some things you are appreciative of at least THREE times, set your alarm or whatever to remind yourself. After some time of creating this new habit, the exercise explained will seem a lot more accessible to you!!!]
4. ONCE A DAY EXERCISE (written) Of own choice, it can be listing positive aspects, it can be the Bounce Technique explained in the last challenge (click HERE for details), a rampage of appreciation, finding a feeling place you'd want as a "theme" for the week/month etc or daydreaming in written form... Have FUN with it :)))
I'd like to THANK YOU ~ everyone who has participated and will participate, and I really LOVE the feedback I get from you in all forms like: enjoying the challenge, spreading the word, sharing it in social media, writing comments, giving donations (clicking the donation-button on the left hand side column), writing blogs about it, linking to my blog... and so on!!!
Lotsa LOVE to ALL of YOU :))) I'm feeling the appreciation flowing!!!
PS. For a 7 days yogic autumn detox, free material with yoga classes and more, click HERE to get more details!!!


LAST DAY ~ and YES It Totally Blew My Mind :)))

Wow, this last challenge was a TOTAL BLAST!!! Today is the last day ~ DAY 30!!! What a vibrational makeover :))) SO MUCH IMPROVEMENT IN 30 DAYS I don't think I have ever experienced!!! I called it "blow my mind" and it definitely DID :)))) Felt incredibly FABULOUS each and every day, got massive evidence of my alignment and the kick-ass effectiveness of this challenge!!! If you haven't started already, click HERE for details!!! You can personalize it however you want, I'm just sharing what I'm currently up to :))) So well, this one was beyond words effective... HIGH-TEN!!!
So how do I continue from a challenge "perfect" like that???? I'll let you know shortly :)))