"..true celebration cannot be according to the calendar... Life should be a continuous celebration, a festival of lights the whole year round. Only then you can grow, only then you can blossom. Transform small things into celebration" (B.R)
Theme 2013 ~ Playfully-Invincible :)))
Alright, so the hype is on because the "new year" is up! So, what's up with this year... GREAT it will be of course... AND as I'm loving feeling good, no-matter-what, and molding reality on purpose... I thought I'd take advantage of this and squeeze all the fun out of it as I possibly can :))) ... The theme of this new period of life, The Year Of 2013 as it's called, I'll dedicate it to my fullest ability to feeling Playfully-Invincible. It sounds like a magnificent year to me, indeed :))) So that's my intention. And since I've done this before, even daily intention settings, keeping to them for the fun of experiencing the delightful results... I'm convinced this will be a wonderful period because of it! And just on the heels on my current wonderful experience!! The "Made My Day!" Challenge continues 10 days more, and I'm enjoying EVERY MOMENT of it, delicious challenge!!! Definitely the most crazily EFFECTIVE I've ever experienced, feeling more invincible than ever ~ so what's the best logical next step... yes that's right, explore the feeling of invincibility fully in a playified way... I cannot think of any better way to enjoy the new year to come! High-10 to myself, and feel free to join in ~ Choose the Theme you'd love to live and if you're new... Appreciation is an awesome theme-starter... and do it in smaller segments to make it feel manageable! :))) I've done several challenges of 108-days, so THAT feels manageable for me to start with, and then let's move on from there when that day comes :)))
It's supposed to be FUN and not any kind of "extra chore"...so manageable is first priority.. I'm having FUN with this, and feeling WONDERFULLY FABULOUS ... on purpose!!! Wishing the same for you!!
Happy Invincibility Year :)))
Playified !!!
Playify is my new favorite word, or well, actually the meaning of it is my favorite way to enjoy life! Playify means to make something ordinary into something extraordinary, to "Make My Day!" (click HERE for more info!) There are so many wonderful ways to make the day more special, and there is no end to the fun either... so many details to play around with - to Playify!!! And the easiest way to playify is to already decide that the day will be fun and enjoyable.. then it comes naturally to playify! And when you want to playify to cheer the day up, it's not a lot different, just needed some momentary intent from your part. You feel less good than you want? Then intend to playify what's currently going on, or the current maybe boring task... And BAM, you created some delight for yourself... :))) I love to playify my day intentionally, beforehand, becasue then I get playified surprises during the day, and it's a lot of fun to experience. And well, if forgetting to make the intention beforehand... no problem, I can always playify spontaneously and that's fun to! It can be as simple as noticing you feel a bit less joyous than wanting to and make it a "game" to find relief, to find the feeling place you'd love... That's playifying "catching yourself" and reap the benefits of it in a playified way :))) What's your favorite ways to Make Your Day? To make the small things delightful and your day wonder-full ? :))) Playify is my subject of RAMPAGE of this day, YUM!!! It's the essence of a joyful life experience ♥
Christmas Craziness
Happy Holidays Everyone!!! Are you having a good time? Or are you being over-ambitious? I know I'm not, and it's awesome. I'm being as laid back as usual, and it amuses me to witness all the craziness going on "for nothing"... or really for "discomfort". Who are comfortable when stressed out ? :))) No one of course. So what to do when stress is the norm, the automatic habit... how about changing it for another a habit - a Good-Feeling-One maybe?? :))) It's a great thing to start such a process I've found. Life becomes very enjoyable and actually a lot more interesting since you can be more aware of the beauty and fun stuff going on around you, you're not busy with being stressed :))) This is somewhat kind of hard to grasp when stressed out, you might think there is "no other way to make this and that happen", that it would feel wrong to not be stressed, that you might get nothing done without being stressed..lol..and such... but it's actually a delight to find out how enjoyable and stress free life can be as you actually "achieve" MORE as a result as well. How about that for a brain-twister during the holidays... :))) If you're reading this you're probably not as stressed as the majority though, you've already ratchet it back a notch or a few... and gotten ready to enjoy life more fully every day. There is a lot of beauty, a lot of fun and a lot of excitement ahead.. let's experience it fully in each moment!!! Happy Holidays - For Realz!!! :)))) Cheers Fellow Wonder-Beings!!!! And let me know what wonders you experienced during these enjoyable holidays, big or small, doesn't matter... YOU are the the one deciding the wonder of it!! :)))
Good-Feeling-Treating Yourself?
Christmas is almost here, and how are YOU doing? Are you Good-Feeling-Treating yourself, or forgot maybe in the midst of everything else... It's pretty easy to create a new habit of automatically Good-Feeling-Treating yourself on a regular basis :))) Have you tried?? I've got some fun and good-feeling ways to get in the process of it! I'm calling them "challenges", although they are mostly to actually ENJOY life more fully!! Are you enjoying your life? If not, you can start any time :))) Need some inspiration or a gentle nudge? Click HERE for the latest Challenge called "I Made My Day!"! Enjoy, starting right now!!
What are the things you love most to talk and think about? What gives you joy? It's a great tool for when not feeling it... hint hint :)))
I've got plenty of things I love thinking about... ♥
And if you don't, no discouragement... it's all about practiced habit, YOU can be in charge anytime you desire it!!
Good-Feeling-Treating Yourself on a regular basis and it's EVIDENT... yum :)))
♥ Happy FRIDAY Everyone :)))
Ps... Christmas is up anytime soon, celebrating with some Good-Feeling-Treating Yourself I hope... :))) I am!!!
LOVE My New Ones ~ My Third Pair Five Fingers :)))
Oh My! I'm in LOVE with these shoes, The Vibram Five Fingers, and I got a package in the mail today! My new pair! I bought my first ones a few years ago and fell in love at first try... they are the most comfy shoes I've EVER used!!! And I'm amazed over their ability... I have two pair of the "classic" model, and now I got myself a pair of "Bikila", which (to my amazement) are EVEN MORE COMFY... they are divine :))) How comfy can a snug shoe get?? I've been using my classics on concrete floors and even run some in hallways with concrete floors, and I feel better than ever in my legs and back after long days of walking and standing for several hours in a row... (during surgery for example)! I ADORE these shoes and a few other people I know have dared to buy them - and have fallen in love just like me... Sweet delight :))) Which shoes are YOUR absolute favorites, and why? :)))
{Love Made} Divine Vanilla Creamed "Rice" With Almonds & Cacao Nibs ~ RAW
This AMAZING dessert or snack/breakfast is super delicious, filling and great for body and soul :))) So let's get started right now!
Creamed RAW Vanilla "Rice" ~ With Chopped Almonds, Mesquite & Cocoa Nibs (makes about 2 cups)![]()
2 cups (4,5-5dl) of parsnip "rice" (peel and chop two smaller parsnips, processing them into "rice" using a food processor or similar)
A handful chopped almonds
3/4 of a cup (1,5dl)cashews
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons honey
0.5-2 teaspoons vanilla seeds (I used a lot of it, maybe even more than 2 teaspoons..)
water (or coconut water) added gradually until desired consistency, I used about 3/4 of a cup (1,5dl)
mesquite to taste - I used about 1 teaspoon, but add it gradually and taste so it's "just right" amount for your taste :)
cacao nibs to top withFruit sorbet to top with (optional, I love this one)
- mix frozen berries (I used strawberries, raspberries and mango) and a few fresh pitted dates in a food processor or similar, until desired consistency... serve immediately.. or let it became a sauce if you prefer... (or use fresh berries and some dates) ...
Make the "rice" and set aside in a bowl and add the chopped almonds. Then start to make the vanilla cream sauce. First of all, mix the cashews in a food processor or similar, until a fine "flour", and then add all the other ingredients except the water, which will be added gradually. When all is mixed and attained your desired consistency, add some mesquite to taste...taste it.. it should give a divine touch of toffee flavor.. when satisfied with the amount of it - pour the vanilla cream over the rice and almonds. Blend until well combined and chill or serve immediately topped with cacao nibs. If you want to serve with the sorbet, it's a delicious addition and takes just a couple of minutes to make. If so, just set the creamed rice aside or in the refrigerator - blend your frozen berries/fruit and add a few fresh pitted dates... and serve some on top of the rice with the cacao nibs... Ahhh, DIVINE :))) Ps. You haven't missed to try out the absolutely DIVINE "bliss balls" that I made recently, have you??? Freakin' amazing... made them several times already, and my toddler who helped me roll them the other day re-shaped them into small cigars.. (calling them something completely different, very toddlerly, I'll let you guess..).. Check them out HERE, very healthy and DELICIOUS!!! And below there are more links to recipes... all "raw".. and all made by me :))) YUM :))) Here are some examples of what you can find here on this blog: Raw Cheesecake, Raw Choco Chip Cookies, Raw Fruit Loops/Leather, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Super Easy Raw Breakfast Treat , Delicious RAW Brownie, Strawberry-Filled-Yummy-Bites, The Oh-So-Lovely-Raspberry-Hazelnut-Chia-Pudding.., Raw Tiramisu - EASY and DELICIOUS, Gingerbread flavored Raw mudcake/fudge, Raw Seed Crackers with Leek and Lemongrass, Raw chocolate truffle, Forest Mushroom Burgers (Raw) with Lovely Salsa....and more... :)))
NEW 30 Day Challenge: "I Made My Day!"
Woooooooooooohooooooo!!! I'm really excited for this new challenge! It's the best ever :))) Been through the most amazing ones recently (see the previous ones), and at the end there is always a bunch of new ideas for the Next Logical Step ~ and this one I'm calling "I Made My Day!" and the intent is to do that on a daily basis! If you want instructions in swedish, click HERE! ... Alright, now ~ let's get started:
"I'm sharing this from my own experiments, experiences and insights ~ which I then condens to exercises and before I share them I know why and how they work. And I'm applying it daily for a period of time, and sharing this with you for your inspiration. Individual Coaching is available, and these challenges are mostly a way of making coaching available for anyone, no matter economy. This is also why most participators are choosing to donate some money. Some regularly, some spontaneously ~ the amount is not important, the positive feedback is clear either way."![]()
Beginning December 12th! Or whenever you fancy enjoying it :))) 1. Evening Exercise: Do this written if you fancy, for more focus which equals more potential. Set intentions for your sleep, dreams, morning mood, morning feeling, and general for the next day. NOTE: These exercises can be too much of a challenge if you've not practiced this at all before, So ~If you're new to this, check out the Newbie Challenge HERE instead! 2. Morning Exercise: Appreciation!!! Nothing gets you in a greater place than appreciation. Practice appreciating until it comes automatic for you!!! This is a great exercise, preferably written, but if you're already really GOOD at it, you can milk it while still in bed. If written, have paper and pen ready so you can do this one before getting up. So, first thing: list at least 5-10 things you love and appreciate. Start with what comes easy for you, and if you've got a rough start...maybe you love sleeping and waking up in a great mood...? Do you love feeling good? Alright put that on your list, and why not even start thinking about a moment when you felt really good - to get into the feeling... :))) How about that as a Day-Starter? :))) 3. During-The-Day Exercise, Written: The blast written daily one!!! This one is MAGNIFICENT, it's turning things around instantly. The intention with this one is to CHANGE the way you feel about something, and all details can be found HERE scrolling down to "number 3, During-The-Day Exercise", from the previous "Molding Reality Extravaganza" challenge. It's a total blast! ENJOY :))) Use it on anything that feels not-so-comfortable, to mold your feeling into a better place! 4. During-The-Day Exercise, Action: Turn any chore or ordinary thing into something extraordinary. It could be singing while doing the dishes, or anything else you love... skip down the road to work... pretend you're famous and imagine how you'd dress and act if you were famous/rich/happy.. (fill in what you'd love to experience and act like it)... it can be for a part of your day or the whole day, choose your level according to experience, this is a challenge for fun :)))
Enjoy this for 30 Days in a row, set an intention to try it at least these days, EVERYDAY, and you'll notice a big difference, guaranteed!!! There will be some great healthy and good feeling new habits established, which you will really ENJOY preparing for yourself, so HAVE FUN :)))
NOTE: I'm sharing this from my own experiments, experiences and insights ~ which I then condens to exercises and before I share them I know why and how they work. And I'm applying it daily for a period of time, and sharing this with you for your inspiration. Individual Coaching is available, and these challenges are mostly a way of making coaching available for anyone, no matter economy. This is also why most participators are choosing to donate some money. Some regularly, some spontaneously ~ the amount is not important, the positive feedback is clear either way. Feel Free to do it the way you're most inspired to!!! (Paypal charges a percentage for the transfer, but it will be charged of the money donated and not on top) So I'd like to give lots of THANKS ~ to everyone who has participated already and everyone who will participate!! I really LOVE the feedback I get from YOU when sharing my experiences and insights and the exercises that I'm currently doing ~ feedback in all forms like: enjoying the challenge, spreading the word, sharing it in social media, writing comments, giving donations (clicking the donation-button on the left hand side column), writing blogs about it, linking to my blog... and so on!!!
Lotsa LOVE to ALL of YOU :))) I'm feeling the appreciation flowing!!!![]()
Day 30 ~ Worst Thing That Could Ever Happen!!!
It's amazing how thing's turn out and just a couple of days ago the circumstances for close relatives have totally collapsed, it's a seeming disaster.
And why am I saying "seeming" as I stand in the middle of it, witnessing the horror and the clearly devestating consequences of it all... It would be tempting to collapse following the momentum of it all. It literary could not be any worse actually. And here I'm saying "it seems like disaster". And that's because I've been lucky enough to experiment myself to an understanding of how this universe works and how I can make a difference in my life, and effectively molding my reality. I now know with all that I am, that this is not the disaster it seems to be.
In witnessing the utter unfairness and absurdity of what is now ongoing, it's the most beautiful gift to have the experience I have. I'm standing in the middle of it and at the most logical (objectively speaking) it will affect me & my child in a drastic way, and most likely for the rest of my life (not as likely for the rest of my childs life though, he might have a rough childhood but if not sooner - then as soon as he gets independent he'll most likely be pretty near un-affected by this). A decade ago I'd probably see myself in "denial" at this point, but this is something else than denial. And it's such a sweet knowing of that things actually ALWAYS work out for me. Life has presented pretty rough situations for me in other regards, which was seemingly rather nasty - all of them so far has found a nice twist in the aftermath. Although this one is a few million times worse, when not exaggerating, I'm actually feeling quite stable and grounded. It's an awesome feeling to stay grounded in the midst of a complete disaster. The power from within is obvious and I'm appreciating that the spotlight in this situation is on someone else, as I can be somewhat in the background watching. And knowing that when that wave hits me (as it logically would in due time), I will be able to handle it gracefully, no matter what. I'm appreciating that even though it logically will hit hard on me as well, there will most likely be something that smooths it as it arrives.
With the knowledge I've accumulated though these years of "everyday experiment experience", this is bound to be solved in one way or another. And I'm leaving up to the Universe to surprise and delight me with it! I'm watching my relatives with such impression, and so proud to witness how calm they sometimes are in the midst of this extreme contrasting experience, hitting them on all levels. How that natural calmness is finding its way through it all, and embodying them, even for a short while, it IS complete when it is there. Full, utter calmness. The natural power from within, the natural reassurance how all is never endingly "well".
"With the knowledge I've accumulated though these years of "everyday experiment experience", this is bound to be solved in one way or another. And I'm leaving up to the Universe to surprise and delight me with it!"I'm standing back watching them crumble as their life's work, their babies of this life experience, their lives are made into nothing. And yet, they stand up and actually considering "taking it lightly". I admire this humble surrender to the forces of life and it's a delight to know that THAT is the key to make things turn around. Go for the path of logical least resistance. And something will eventually present itself to us, which we never would've imagined before all this revealed itself (just a few days ago, in a flash, but obviously had gained momentum over time). There is no justice in this one, except the wonders that will reveal themselves through it in the aftermaths. Blessed Life, Love Love Love! PS. Keep Calm, and Don't Forget To Be Awesome :)))
{Love Made} Raw & Delicious ~ Quick Blissed Out Snack
Super quick, Easy and Delightful (& Healthy), this almost brownie-like snack can be made into brownies, cookies and balls, however you fancy them in the moment! I decided to make them into balls this time, and top them with hemp seeds. Feel free to choose any other topping you'd fancy. This one is made with Raw ingredients (I used regular cacao instead of raw), a super-food snack. Mesquite gives a toffee-touch to it, feel free to exchange it or exclude it. If excluding it you might need to use some honey or other sweet stuff, in that case taste the dough when ready to figure out if needed for your taste and add as much as you find appropriate.
Quick Blissed Out Snack (makes about 14)
1.5 dl (approx 2/3 of a cup)pecans
1 tablespoon mesquite (superfood that is sweet and has a toffee-like flavour)
2 tablespoons cacao powder
5 fresh regular sized dates, pitted
0.5 dl (less than 1/3 of a cup) gojiberries
2 tablespoons coconut oil
Using a food processor, or similar: First mix pecans until finely chopped, then add mesquite and cacao - pulsing until combined. Pour it all in a bowl to set a side. Mix dates, gojiberries and coconut oil until pretty well combined, then add the dry ingredients from the bowl. When well combined, shape the dough into desired shapes. If you want to make brownies you might want to let it set some in the freezer before cutting into squares (form the dough flat and let set in the freezer, then cut with a sharp knife). If making them into balls, just form them with your hands in desired sizes. Same with the cookies. I usually make the dough into a log and cut it when making cookies, or make into balls that I then press out forming a round cookie. Whichever shape you choose, you can top with gojis, hempseeds, shredded coconut or whatever else you fancy :))) Store in the freezer or the fridge. Delicious (and Healthy) for snack, breakfast, dessert or after-training... anytime ~ Enjoy! And check below for more recipes, most are Raw & Healthy :)))![]()
Here are some examples of what you can find here on this blog: Raw Cheesecake, Raw Choco Chip Cookies, Raw Fruit Loops/Leather, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Super Easy Raw Breakfast Treat , Delicious RAW Brownie, Strawberry-Filled-Yummy-Bites, The Oh-So-Lovely-Raspberry-Hazelnut-Chia-Pudding.., Raw Tiramisu - EASY and DELICIOUS, Gingerbread flavored Raw mudcake/fudge, Raw Seed Crackers with Leek and Lemongrass, Raw chocolate truffle, Forest Mushroom Burgers (Raw) with Lovely Salsa....and more... :)))
Day 24 ~ Molding Reality And Raw Homemade Lunch :)))
This last period have been somewhat intense yet very rewarding, and I'm utterly satisfied with the effectiveness of the current challenge!!! The 30 day Molding Reality Extravaganza!!! (Details HERE) Already on day 24 and been loving every minute of it :)))
The ease of always having a simple, easy and magnificently effective tool - always available is a sheer delight!! And I love how some extra stuff shows up during these times when I'm extra prepared to "handle it", shoring up the self-empowerment and the feeling of invincibility! All is working out well for me, and I'm noticing it faster and faster with everything coming my way, it ALL is going my way however it seems in the current moment. Genius!!!
Wonderful to feel invincible and every little detail is celebrated! Today's lunch was a celebration too, all homemade and delicious and satisfying! Served a Forest Mushroom Burgers (Raw/Vegan) with Salsa, Guacamole and Leek Flavored Seed Crackers! All recipes are on this blog, and the guacamole I did today was with avocado, chopped mini tomato, mini leek, herbal salt & sour cream. I like to use some other ingredients too, but this was today's recipe. Found it very satisfying on all levels :))) Links to more recipes can be found below!
Here are some examples of what you can find here on this blog: Raw Cheesecake, Raw Choco Chip Cookies, Raw Fruit Loops/Leather, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Super Easy Raw Breakfast Treat , Delicious RAW Brownie, Strawberry-Filled-Yummy-Bites, The Oh-So-Lovely-Raspberry-Hazelnut-Chia-Pudding.., Raw Tiramisu - EASY and DELICIOUS, Gingerbread flavored Raw mudcake/fudge, Raw Seed Crackers with Leek and Lemongrass, Raw chocolate truffle....and more... :)))
{Love Made} Pick-Me-Up Muesli ~ Gluten Free & Raw
Pick-Me-Up Muesli (3-4 servings)
1/2 cup (heaped 1dl) shredded coconut
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
1/6 cup (approx 1/4 dl) brazil nuts(para nuts)
1/3 cup (approx 2/3 dl) goji berries
1/3 cup sultanas
1 big dried fig, chopped
1/3 cup almonds, chopped
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon cardamom
1/6 cup flax seed (ground)Gluten Free but not Raw, optional:
1/3 cup quinoa puffs
1/3 cup buckweat flakes
Blend all ingredients in a bowl. If wanting to store, use an airtight container or a glass jar, in the refrigerator cause flax seeds are a great source of omega-3 and when having ground them, they want to stay chilled. Serve with your favorite milk, yogurt or cream... and maybe even some fresh fruits and/or berries :)![]()
Here are some examples of what you can find here on this blog: Raw Cheesecake, Raw Choco Chip Cookies, Raw Fruit Loops/Leather, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Super Easy Raw Breakfast Treat , Delicious RAW Brownie, Strawberry-Filled-Yummy-Bites, The Oh-So-Lovely-Raspberry-Hazelnut-Chia-Pudding.., Raw Tiramisu - EASY and DELICIOUS, Gingerbread flavored Raw mudcake/fudge, Raw Seed Crackers with Leek and Lemongrass, Raw chocolate truffle, Forest Mushroom Burgers (Raw) with Lovely Salsa....and more... :)))
{Love Made} Lovely Salsa With Sun Dried Tomatoes
Lovely Salsa With Sun Dried Tomatoes (makes a heaped cup)
10-14 high-flavor cocktail tomatoes (mini tomatoes)
3 fresh dates, pitted
1 tablespoon chopped leek
6 sun-dried tomatoes (in oil)
1/2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
pinch of salt (I used Trocomare, herbal salt)
Put all ingredients in a food processor (you might need to chop the tomatoes/dates/sun-dried-tomatoes before mixing, depending on how powerful your blender is). I started with approx 8 mini tomatoes but added more later... just check the taste if needing more salt or such after adding more tomatoes. Blend until desired consistency, add some water if wanting to (I didn't)... Yep, that's it... Ready! Serve with {Love Made} Forest Mushroom Burgers (Raw Vegan), recipe HERE :))) I served the burgers with this salsa, topped with some pine nuts and a seed cracker (recipe see below)... afterwards a chai-mint flavored fudge, a variation of THIS recipe!![]()
Here are some examples of what you can find here on this blog: Raw Cheesecake, Raw Choco Chip Cookies, Raw Fruit Loops/Leather, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Super Easy Raw Breakfast Treat , Delicious RAW Brownie, Strawberry-Filled-Yummy-Bites, The Oh-So-Lovely-Raspberry-Hazelnut-Chia-Pudding.., Raw Tiramisu - EASY and DELICIOUS, Gingerbread flavored Raw mudcake/fudge, Raw Seed Crackers with Leek and Lemongrass, Raw chocolate truffle....and more... :)))
{Love Made} Forest Mushroom Burgers With Salsa ~ Raw Vegan
Excited to try out some new recipes! Found these in a book I recently had a glance in :))) I didn't follow exactly cause I didn't have all the ingredients at home... but OH MY the lovely scent in the house as these burgers were baking... yum!!! These are the ingredients that I used:
Forest Mushroom Burgers (makes 4 smaller burgers)
0.75 dl (about 1/3 of a cup) flax seeds
1 dl (a bit less than 1/2 cup) sunflower seeds
1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds
1/2 tablespoon parsley
Tiny piece of garlic (use more if you want, in these raw recipes the flavor is very strong, so I use a lot less than I would've in regular recipes..)
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon water (more, or less, if needed)
pinch of saltAdded last:
4 forest mushrooms
First grind the flax seeds & the mustard seeds in a coffee grinder or similar, making a fine flour. Then add all ingredients accept the mushrooms and the water to a food processor and mix until well combined. Add the water bit by bit, if needed. I used 1 tablespoon which was perfect for me. Then add the mushrooms (cut them if big) and pulse a few times until they are blended and in preferable sizes. Shape to 2 large burgers or 4 smaller ones and (serve as is with the salsa or...) put them on a non-stick baking sheet, a teflex or a dehydrator tray. Dehydrate at about 115 degrees farenheit, or in the oven at lowest temperature until desired consistency (can take 1 hour or several, depending how you like it), turn them at least once during the dehydration. Now go to the recipe for the salsa, which is HERE :))) I served these with the salsa, topped with some pine nuts and a seed cracker (recipe see below)... afterwards a chai-mint flavored fudge, a variation of THIS recipe!![]()
Here are some examples of what you can find here on this blog: Raw Cheesecake, Raw Choco Chip Cookies, Raw Fruit Loops/Leather, Raw Pasta Alfredo, Raw Chai Flavored Chia Pudding , Super Easy Raw Breakfast Treat , Delicious RAW Brownie, Strawberry-Filled-Yummy-Bites, The Oh-So-Lovely-Raspberry-Hazelnut-Chia-Pudding.., Raw Tiramisu - EASY and DELICIOUS, Gingerbread flavored Raw mudcake/fudge, Raw Seed Crackers with Leek and Lemongrass, Raw Chocolate Truffle With Hazelnuts....and more... :)))
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